Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by ILV23+ » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:42 pm

DarrenZ, Please open Pandora's Box for us. I'm a long time stag and have enjoyed sharing for years. This story ticks all the boxes for me and I'm sure many others. The boat trip will be special. I lived aboard for many years and sex and boats just go together. It's worse than waiting for my tax return!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:32 pm

Chapter 5

The boys arrived in Gary’s van to take us to the boat. They were pretty obvious about their appreciation of Kellie's outfit choice. She wore a floral string bikini under a tiny pair of boy shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt with big scooping openings on the sides giving glimpses of the bikini top underneath. On her head she wore a stylish floppy hat and big movie star sunglasses.

I couldn't help but notice that all of the guys' looks lingered on Kellie for longer than would be thought of as appropriate. All the teasing and of course the revealing photos made her a top subject of their lustful thoughts.

After loading up our gear, we hopped in. Kellie squeezed in the back seat between Steve and me. Chris was in the passenger seat up front with Gary. We only had an hour car ride to our launch.

We had the typical talk about basketball, music, our plans for the week; typical guy stuff. Kellie is always a good sport in those conversations. She can keep up well and contribute. It was one of the reasons I didn't think it would be a problem for her to be the only girl along with us.

Of course, there was another reason why I was glad she was with us. And to my delight, it seemed that she was already starting in. I looked over and noticed that she was rubbing her left thigh on Steve's.

I looked closer and saw she had pulled her bikini top off of her left tit, letting Steve get an eyeful through her open t-shirt. She turned and grinned at me.

He had a grin on his face when he made eye contact with me. I smiled back knowingly which seemed to give him the green light. He stealthily used his left hand to touch her side and slide his hand up to Kellie’s exposed tit.

Kellie was biting her lower lip to keep herself from moaning. I could see her breathing getting heavier. There had been a lull the in conversation and one of Gary’s favorite songs had come on the radio connected to a playlist on his phone so he turned it up.

Steve got bolder and concentrated his ministrations on her nipple. Kellie used her left hand to steady herself by putting it on Steve’s right thigh. Her eyes got big when her hand made contact with his package.

Kellie leaned over and whispered in Steve's ear. I couldn't make out exactly what she said, but I heard the phrases "naughty boy" and "don’t stop”.

Kellie's nipples are very sensitive so I knew she was going to have a hard time managing to stay quiet. She glanced over to me and the look in her eyes told me everything. She was both very aroused and nervous at the same time. Steve was probably a little bit more aggressive than she expected. I wasn't too worried. In fact, I was quite amused at her predicament. And then I had a naughty idea myself.

After she turned back to Steve, I'm sure giving him a "what do you think you're doing you naughty boy" look, I reached into the side of her open shirt, slipped her top off of her other tit, and began rubbing her right nipple. Her head whipped around and there was visible shock on her face. That shocked look gave way to a smile of pleasure.

She grabbed my left thigh and gripped hard as we both teased her. She was looking towards the front, concerned about what Chris and Gary might be able to see. They were deep in a conversation and Gary was keeping his eyes on the road, so it seemed safe.

She looked at me and cocked an eyebrow, then she turned to Steve and kissed him. It was quick but it was more than a peck. She whispered something in his ear that I couldn't hear. Steve look across at me with wide eyes.

"Really?" he asked quietly to both of us.

I didn't know what she told him so I couldn't reply.

Kellie leaned in and whispered to me, "I told him I wasn't going to sleep with you again until after I slept with him."

"Oh, god," I said, a bit too loudly.

"What's that Brad?" Gary asked from the front of the car.

I panicked. "Ummm, just realized I left my toothbrush. It's ok. I'll make due."

"Uh, ok, dude," Gary replied with a heavy tone of skepticism.

I turned back to see Kellie and Steve grinning stupidly at me. Their shared joke at my expense was humiliating and made me feel like a third wheel. But something about it felt… arousing.

Kellie whispered into Steve's ear again. His smile betrayed the topic of their shared conversation.

She began fumbling with her shorts which I assumed was unbuttoning and unzipping them. Then she took Steve's right hand and slipped it into her panties and covered with the bottom of her shirt. She gasped slightly, his fingers obviously reaching their intended destination.

"Oh, babe. Another man's fingers are in my pussy. How does that make you feel?" she whispered to me and moaned in my ear. She was taking this hotwife/cuckolding thing seriously.

Fortunately, Gary and Chris remained oblivious as to what was going on but I found myself anxious that wouldn't last. She grabbed my arm and squeezed my bicep pretty hard.

"Christ, Steve certainly knows his way around a pussy. I'm not going to be able to…ahhh…stay quiet much longer if he…oooooo…keeps…keeps this up," she moaned in my ear. "Are you prepared for all your…aaaa… your friends to know I'm…ooo-open for… stuff? They're alllll goooing to know I…I'm cucking you. Is that… is that what you w-want?"

This was decision time. Last chance to back out. Did I want to? The idea of sharing Kellie with all of my friends, guys we had known and hung out with for years, was hot. But there would be no going back. It would fundamentally change our relationship. I still couldn't get over the thought of Gary's wife giving him a hall pass to be with Kellie. That she claimed it had been in defined for years really blew my mind. But with that, all of my friends were free to fuck my wife. My Kellie. The idea of them fucking her, potentially becoming something that could happen with some frequency, was too intoxicating. This desire I had never known before was now the thing I wanted more than anything else. It didn't make any sense but felt inevitable.

"Yes," I replied softly.

"What was that?" Kellie asked, slightly louder than previously.

"It's what I want," I said, matching her volume.

"Oooooohhhh, that's good, Steve," she said in a regular volume.

I saw both Gary whip his head up to look in the rear view mirror and Chris turn his head over his shoulder.

"Oh boys, aren't you going to be jealous when you realize what Steve is doing to me….oooooohhh, yes… while you've been arguing about sports up there. He's got two fingers in me up to the second knuckle as his thumb is rubbing my throbbing clit while Bradley is just watching it all….aaaaahhhh… happen."

I felt Gary have to adjust the steering of the truck as he caught himself staring too long at what was happening in his backseat.

"Christ, Kellie, you're going to get me to crash into another car. Are you for real?" Gary asked her clearly not believing what he was hearing.

"Oooooh, yeah. Uuuuhhhh… Brad has decided to… mmmmm… to…to let you boys have a little fun with me on this trip and Steve was a bit of a…of an eager beaver… Oh, shit, yes."

Chris just stared at her crotch as he could tell Steve's hand was buried there. Gary was more vocal as he was trying hard to keep his eyes on the road.

"Kellie, no fucking around… seriously?" he asked incredulously.

"Oh yes, Gary. Your boy Bradley told me all about….uuuuhhhh…you boys seeing my old picture and I know all about what he's been…..oooooo, fuck Steve… what he's been sharing with you. We're both so…turned on by it all… don't stop, Stevie. Right fucking there. I told… I told Brad that I wouldn't fuck him again until each of you… until each of you has fucked me."

"Oh my god," Gary said.

By that point she had let go of me and held onto Steve's arm. As she was about to orgasm from his fingering, she kissed him passionately on his lips again and began moaning into his mouth.

Chris's eyes were practically bulging out of his head and Gary was torn between keeping his eyes on the road and glancing into the rear view mirror to see what he could in brief flashes.

"Oh, wow that was fantastic, Steve," my wife said after she came down from her orgasm. He just grinned back at her, proud of what he had accomplished.

"Is that true, Brad? You're gonna let us fuck Kellie?" Gary asked from the driver's seat, still not believing what was going on. I admit that even I, knowing what she had planned, found this all surreal.

"Yeah… why not?" I responded to him trying my best to project an attitude of it being no big deal.

"You know, Megan has given me a 'hall pass' in case this ever came up," he stated as a matter of fact.

"Yeah. She told Kellie that you've apparently had that for some time…" I replied to him while thinking to myself that the question of how that came to be would be something I'd hope to hear more about later.

Meanwhile, while we had been talking, Kellie had gone back to kissing Steve and I saw her hand rubbing his crotch. She broke the kiss without removing her hand from his tenting pants to turn to me.

"I'm going to blow your friend in the backseat of this van, Brad. That's ok with you, right?"

"Yeah," I replied in a croak. My mouth was very dry so finding my words was getting harder to do.

Chris looked away; I guessed that he didn't want to inadvertently see Steve's dick. Gary kept his eyes on the road but had cut off the radio completely by this point so that he could hear better what was happening.

I should clarify that I have an above average dick. Probably about 7 inches long when fully hard but not thick. I had never seen my friends' equipment other than brief glances in locker rooms and in all cases they've not been erect. I did know that Chris and Steve were pretty comparable in size to me when soft although Chris was uncircumcised. Gary was another matter. Gary was hung like a horse so thinking about him being with her was a bit concerning, but I didn't worry too much, assuming him to be more of a "shower" than a "grower".

But there, in the back of Gary's van, I was about to see Kellie take out Steve's already engorged cock and I found myself unable to look away.

She finished fishing it out, not without some difficulty, and I saw it. It was about the same length as mine, but it curved a bit up at the end and his head looked bigger with a more pronounced drop off from the glans to the shaft.

"Mmmmm, nice cock Steve," my wife said aloud in the van for all to hear, her hand wrapped around our friend's hardon.

I saw that neither of the guys were unable to resist sneaking a glance back after Kellie's comment. After what she revealed moments before this, I'm sure the realization that she'd be comparing each of our dicks in short order was hitting them as well.

She gave me a sideward glance as she leaned down to take Steve in her mouth, a smile in the corner of her lips. She was enjoying this from a few angles. It wasn't lost on me that she'd be enjoying sex with someone other than me for the first time in many years. But, after our conversations and her teasing, it was apparent that the aspect of "cuckolding" me was also a draw for her. It seemed a little masochistic, not an attribute I'd have ever thought to ascribe to my loving wife before all of this. But more bizarre to me than even my wife's odd turn was my own excitement for it. She had boldly stated her plans in this moving vehicle, offering me nowhere to hide. As I sat reeling in that feeling of awkwardness, an embarrassing kink revealed boldly to my closest friends, a flush raised on my face and threatened to engulf my whole body. Yet despite it all, I was more turned on than I had ever been. My desire for my hot wife had never been higher.

Seeing Kellie take his cock in her mouth was amazing, but the sounds produced amped up the whole experience for me. She was putting on a show not just for me, but for the other guys in the car. She was embracing her inner slut. The transformation was noticeable to me. For all the others knew, this could have been who she was behind closed doors with me. But this was something else. She was becoming someone else.

She continued slathering over Steve's dick and the smacking of her tongue and lips filled the interior of the van.

"Oh wow, I had forgotten how good it feels to have a strange cock in my mouth," she said between sucking on him.

Steve groaned as she continued the blow job, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

"Tell them how it feels, Steve," she said while taking another pause before she continued her assault on his member.

"Oooh, shit, guys. This is the best blow job I have EVER gotten. Christ, Kellie, so good…" he said emphatically.

I felt a wave of pride wash over me as my friend and former roommate bragged about my wife's oral skills. This was certainly an unexpected result of this thing we were doing. I guess it had all started from pride in the reaction to seeing my wife's exposed body, but the idea that her performing sexual acts would instead make her even more desirable in their eyes as they would know firsthand what she was capable of was mind blowing.

It went against traditional views that a wife's sexual experiences were supposed to belong just to her husband. No one else but maybe her exes should know her intimately. From that viewpoint, I should be humiliated by the fact that my friend now had his cock in her mouth and my other friends witnessing it would likely know that feeling themselves before too long. While I felt some of that, the mixture of pride and voyeurism were much stronger. I had a lingering fear that one of them, especially well-hung Gary, would be better sexually than me but the idea that she would receive something pleasurable that I couldn't deliver somehow sated that fear. It would be worth it to me to feel… inferior to whichever one if it meant she got off in ways I hadn't yet been able to deliver, might not ever be able to deliver.

She hadn't let up and Steve's loud moans made it obvious to the rest of us that he was thoroughly enjoying her ministrations.

"Oh fuck, Kellie. I'm going to cum!" he announced loudly. He was being thoughtful in case she didn't want to take his load in her mouth.

But not my Kellie. She redoubled her efforts as she has often done with me and held on when he began blasting the back of her throat with his semen.

"Uuugghhhh… oh my god! Fuck me she's taking it all," he cried out. The guys in the front seats moaned along with him, the eroticism of the moment being too much for them.

She leaned up when he was finished and wiped the sides of her mouth, pushing stray dribbles back between her lips. She demonstrably gave one final, slightly exaggerated, swallow to complete the act.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff," my slutty wife said out loud.


The ride didn't last much longer, sparing us of any extended awkwardness. Steve had fixed himself and was unabashedly admiring Kellie, his hand still caressing her bare leg in appreciation and attraction. There's something very different about how a man interacts with a woman he has been intimate with than one he hasn't. An air of confidence and a level of familiarity not otherwise displayed. Some would suggest a possessiveness, projecting ownership in a way. Steve had experienced oral sex from my wife and had been told he'd get to fuck her before it was all over and done with. She was open to him sexually in a way she hadn't been before, so it wasn't unearned. I was finding that I was aroused by that feeling. I wanted him to "own" her in a way. The idea that all of them would get to share her, to take a part of her from me was… intoxicating.

We arrived at the marina and quickly got focused on moving our gear from the van to Gary's boat. The dock hands had moved it out of storage and performed some light preparation work for him, so the work we had to do wasn't too demanding. The glances Kellie had been receiving before we left were nothing compared to how they were looking at her that afternoon on the boat. Each of my friends knew she was available. I even caught a glimpse of Steve giving her ass a squeeze followed by her giving him a quick peck thinking they were unobserved.

Before too long, we were underway on the boat heading down river. I didn't know a whole lot about the specifics of our travels- we had done pretty much the same trip more than a few times but it was Gary's boat and he managed the details enough that we were able to enjoy ourselves with little but a few moments of relief for him to take a break.

The boat was a decent sized Bayliner with one small cabin. We typically had planned stops along the way where the rest of us could setup camp without trespassing while Gary would sleep in the cabin to protect the boat. On occasion, one or more of us would pass out on the deck and not end up sleeping on the shore.

We had made our way downstream and I had helped Kellie prep some lunch in the small galley below deck. This gave us the opportunity to speak privately for the first time since the morning's events.

"Are you still ok with this, honey?" she asked tentatively and bit her lower lip. She looked at me with "doe eyes" and I knew she was a little nervous about what I'd say.

"Oh babe, I'm doing fine. My stomach is doing loops, but in a good way."

"Whew, ok… good. I was a little nervous. I know I kind of sprung that on you, but after he started glancing at my side boob I got so turned on. I planned on keeping what we were doing on the 'downlow' but once his fingers were inside of me I knew I couldn't keep it quiet. I figured, 'what they hey, might as well let the cat out of the bag' so to say."

I nodded. I wasn't sure if there would have been any easier way to announce to some friends that my wife was up to fuck. "It's ok. It's fine. It was really hot."

"Oh my god, yeah. It was exciting what was happening, but the fact that you could see and the other two knew what was going on was sooooo hot. I love you so much for allowing me to feel that. I'm getting wet just thinking about it again."

This caused me to moan.

"You fucking love me being slutty, don't you?" she asked with a knowing look in her eyes.


"You going to witness me fuck each of your friends before this week is out."

"I know. Steve is already acting differently around you. Like he has some claim to you."

"He does, honey. His dick was in my mouth. No matter what happens between us in the future, he'll always have had his dick in my mouth while you sat and watched."

"Oh god."

"That turns you on so much, doesn't it?" she asked while confirming this by grasping my crotch to feel my hardening dick. "Yeah, it does. God, Brad, I love that your turned on by it. I'm going to tell them that this trip is it, that only on this boat this week will they get to have me. But to be honest, the idea that they might get to be with me after this, in our home or theirs, has got me really hot. Would you want that? Would you want them to have claim over my sex even after this week?"

I swallowed hard. "The idea is hot. I can't deny that. But I am a little worried what that would be like. I'm not saying no at all… just saying I'd like to get through this week before agreeing to that."

She nodded vigorously. She loved me and I knew she would only do what I was comfortable with.

"Absolutely. Who knows, maybe it will be too much for me as well… but, oh my, the thought is…"

"-hot as shit," I finished for her.

Now it was her turn to swallow hard. "Yes. Can you imagine one of them coming over and just taking me to our room and fucking the crap out of me on just a normal night at home?"

"Yesss," I moaned along with her.

She shook herself out of her state and put the finishing touches on our sandwiches. "Ok, now we'll go up and set some ground rules with the guys. Is there anything you want me to include?"

She was giving me an opportunity to retract my earlier acceptance of no condoms and no limits. But I didn't want to.

"No, babe. I trust you and I trust them. It's up to you how you want this to go and I'll only step in if you ask me to."

Her smile said it all. "How was I so lucky to find such a confident and amazing man like you?"

She kissed me deeply. It wasn't lost on me that those lips had not long beforehand been wrapped around my friend's cock. I didn't care; in fact, the thought turned me on all over again. I loved my slutty wife.


Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:26 pm

HOT chapter!!!!!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Frenchie » Mon Oct 10, 2022 11:58 pm

Oh yes !!

Great chapter !!

Thanks !

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by ILV23+ » Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:39 am

Thanks for opening Pandora's box. It's going to be a fun trip downriver.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by jrobb » Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:17 am


Soooooooooo stinkin' HOTTT!

Brad and Kellie and the boys are in for a funnn boat ride. Especially with Kellie as their sex toy!


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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Bomerang43 » Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:47 pm

Thank you so much. Hot chapter!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:12 am

Great chapter thank you!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Chrislydi » Sat Oct 15, 2022 5:56 am

Gary's monster cock will be Kellie's real feast, and perhaps the prospect of something more permanent if Megan approves? Steve and Chris are just the hors d'oeuvres. Thanks DarrenZ, exciting stuff and great writing.


My account of our first time, what happened afterwards and when my marriage was in trouble - link below.

Thank you for any who comment


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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:12 pm

Chapter 6

We got up to the deck and everyone had gathered around including Gary who had cut the engine after pulling towards a shore. They took the sandwiches being passed out and some chips to go with their newly opened beers. The guys were looking expectantly toward Kellie.

After a bit of awkward silence, Kellie started to speak. "Ok, boys. I know the question on the tips of each of your tongues, so let's get it out. You're thinking 'When do I get my turn with Kellie?', right?"

There were sheepish grins on each of the guy's faces.

"So first of all I'm just putting it out there that this isn't going to devolve into some gang bang and I'm not planning on 'pulling a train'. If that was in anyone's head, then in the immortal words of Elsa, 'let it go'. Also, I won't be spending the whole day naked, so that's out as well. But I'm dead serious about sleeping with all of you. And Brad wants me to. So… win…win…win, I guess?"

The guys laughed.

"But I don't want this to be all 'slam, bam, thank you ma'am'. Let's have fun with this. So, I'm thinking we'll do this. For 24 hours, from noon to noon, I'll be your 'girlfriend'. Steve has had a head start, so you get first dibs."

"You will hear absolutely no argument from me," Steve chuckled.

The other guys smiled but did not attempt to present a counteroffer.

"So, what does that mean, 'girlfriend for a day'?" Steve continued.

"It means that I'm yours for the day. In all senses. But I want a little romance too. We're not going to just spend the day screwing. Capisce?" she joked, dropping a bad Italian mafia accent.

"Yes, got it," Steve replied. "So how do we start?"

Kellie got up and, with a glance at me, moved over to sit on Steve's leg, wrapping her arms around him. She gave him a light kiss that turned into something more. A deep, passionate kiss. The rest of us watched while they ignored us.

Kellie broke first and took a huge breath. "Oh my."

She looked at me and then back to Steve. "Oh hell, we can at least start the day with a little screwing. Am I assuming too much Gary if I ask that my boyfriend and I use the cabin?"

Gary laughed, "No, no… go right ahead. Just, umm, clean up after yourselves."

Kellie smiled at the comment and got, pulling Steve by the hand, and headed below deck. She flashed a devilish grin my way as she passed by. "You don't mind if the first one is… private… do you?"

I swallowed hard. "No. No, I don't mind."

And then I just sat there and watched as my wife stepped down to have sex… with Steve.


The rest of us drank and fished, all the while hearing Kellie and Steve's grunts and moans. We all tried to act like it was no big deal when finally we all burst out laughing together.

"Dude, we had no idea what a freak you are," Gary laughed.

Chris laughed along with him. "Like, where did this all come from?"

"I don't know. I guess y'all seeing her Mardi Gras picture and the other stuff… I was proud and, well, it was hot."

"I don't know that I could do what you are with Kellie with my Megan. It takes some kind of big balls to handle all of this, dude," Gary said, raising his beer to me.

"We have always been… a bit jealous that you got her. At least I have," Chris admitted.

"Ah, it would be not appropriate for me to agree. You know, with Megan and all that. But if she wasn't in the picture… yeah… Kellie. Definitely, Kellie," Gary agreed.

"Oh, yeah. Apparently, Megan told Kellie you have a hall pass with her… what's that all about?" I just had to ask.

"Oh, yeah, that… So you know how couples, I guess just some couples, pick someone they'd have a hall pass with?" Gary tried to explain.

"Umm, yeah. I thought that's usually celebrities?"

"Yeah, well we picked people a little closer to us," Gary told us, a bit embarrassed.

"'We picked'?" Chris asked, picking up on what I also caught.

"Yeah… who'd Megan pick then?" I asked.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no. You're not going to get that out of me. That's all Megan," Gary said, clearly uncomfortable with the truth behind it. "Besides… I don't think either of us ever really thought this would be an actual option."

He was saved from further grilling by a loud bellow from Steve.

We all went white. Steve had likely just cum inside my wife. The realization made me flush with both embarrassment and arousal.

Gary tried to break the tension in the most Gary way possible. "So we're going to drink every time she gets someone to cum, right?"

"Oh shit, man. We'll be drunk way too fast, man," Chris chimed in.

The assholes made me laugh and we all took a swig.

After a moment, Gary couldn't help himself. "So, ah, how many times do you think he made her cum?"

"Oh, god dammit, Gary," I laughed. "Jesus."

"Oh stop, you know you love it…" he teased.

I blushed because he was right.

"Seriously, Brad. This is cool. No judgment from me. I'm finally going to get to know what 'Pretty Kellie' is like in the sack."

"Well, I just hope I'm next. Who the fuck would want to follow you?" Chris said with a half-serious laugh to Gary.

"Oh come on, it's not like he's that much bigger, right?" I said, then turned to Gary. "You're just more of a 'shower', right?"

Chris shook his head. "Dude, he was my roommate, remember? Between really obvious morning wood, once he hooked up with Megan they were at our place alllll the time. They had zero shame after the first couple of times doing it in front of me. Gary is huge, Brad."

"Oh, fuck," was all I could reply.

I was saved from anything further said on the topic by Steve sheepishly coming up from below deck. Gary and Chris saluted him with their beers.

"Ha-ha. Hey man, thanks. That was amazing. She said she wanted you to go check in with her. That cool?" Steve asked, trying to be chill.

"Yeah. It's all good, buddy," I said, slapping on the shoulder as I passed by him.

I climbed down the steps and found Kellie still undressed and in the bed covered by a sheet.

"Hey there, mister. Are you still ok?" she asked with a hopeful tone.

"Yeah, " I said as I took her in. It was weird to see my wife clearly well-fucked when I wasn't the one who had fucked her. I could smell Steve's scent on her and her hair was a little matted down from sweat and I guess bedhead. "So… how was it?"

She smiled radiantly. "Oh, babe. It was pretty fantastic."

"Better?" I asked, trying to keep a tone of concern out of my voice.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't say that. Different. I mean, that's all I kept thinking about. How different it was to be with someone other than you. Not knowing what he liked, him not knowing what I liked. Having to discover that together. Plus, I mean, just thinking of you on deck probably hearing us on occasion…"

"-oh no, hearing you the entire time…"

"Oh. Oh no."

"No, no…. It was… hot. Really. No need to be shy. I pretty much knew what we were getting into. I…. I love the idea of you having sex with these guys. And yes… what you mentioned before… the idea of them having regular access to you back home is really hot. I'm not saying I'm fully ready for it, but I cannot get the thought out of my head."

"Oh, honey. That's so fucking hot."

"So… what else was different?" I asked her.

"You want to know?" she asked, to which I nodded. "Ok, well… His dick has this slightly upward curve. That plus the bigger head just… hits me differently. Like if everything else was the same, I couldn't mistake him for you just from that alone."


"Oh yeah. I can't believe I can share that with you. I think it was necessary for our first time to be just the two of us… to learn from each other and not feel inhibited… but I'm going to ask him if you can watch next time. If that's what you want…"

I just nodded again. It was what I wanted.

"And babe… he came in me. I know it's what we discussed, but I hope you are still ok with it," she put as gently as she could.

"Yeah… I mean, of course," I replied. I was thinking about it and I couldn't help but ask a simple request. "Can I… can I see?" I asked her, feeling shocked by my own request even as I was saying it.

"Oh, fuck. Really?" she asked me.

"Yeah… I… want to."

She leaned back and pulled the sheet off of her. I looked down at her reddened sex. There was no mistaking that she had been fucked good. Then I saw it. The little dribble of Steve's cum leaked out of her slightly gaping hole.

"Oh fuck, Kellie. You fucked him. You fucked him and he came in you," I said aloud in the harsh realization. The concept had been enticing, but seeing the visceral truth before me was… a lot to take in.

She seemed nervous, afraid that it was too much. "Are you… ok?"

I looked at her and smiled a warm, comforting smile. "It's great, Kellie. I'm great. It's just… holy fuck."

"I know, right? Holy fuck. Things have changed."

"Things have changed," I replied with an unambiguous acceptance.

"And you're still ok with things changing?" she asked, still obviously concerned about me, about us.

"Yes. Without hesitation," I said, meaning the words and projecting assurance.

She quickly covered herself up, removing the sight of her used pussy, something that will probably be burned into my memory forever. "I'm sorry… I just remembered… I'm Steve's girl today. He might not approve of you seeing my pussy…"

Then she leaned forward in a mock whisper, "I mean his pussy…"

"Oh fuck me, Kellie…" I moaned at what she was saying.

"Nope… Not until Chris and Gary have and I still have a full day with Steve," she giggled.

It was all a tease. She was just playing along with the role of a hotwife taken by another man. But my god, she was driving me crazy in the best way.

"I'm gonna warn you… Steve has some ideas about how the rest of his day with me will go. He's planning to have some… fun with you. Just… just let me know if anything goes too far, ok? This can stop any time you say so. Seriously. I'm excited and enjoying this, for sure, but you are my highest priority."

"Thanks. It means a lot to hear that."

"And I mean it… Now go. I don't want my boyfriend to think I'm cheating on him," she said batting her eyes at me.


We had a lazy rest of the day. Gary got us back underway so that we'd get to our evening's planned campsite on time. Steve was reveling in the role of Kellie's boyfriend. They were acting like that annoyingly head-over-heels-in-love couple that everyone knows. It would have been a little much if I didn't sort of expect what they were doing.

Sharing snacks; lap sitting; kissing and casual touches. The best was that she had him pick which suit she'd wear and he picked the tiniest string bikini. Gary, Chris, and I were all appreciative of his choice.

There was one particular moment that especially stood out. Chris was up with Gary in the helm discussing the engine upgrades, leaving Steve and Kellie alone on the deck as I had been down in the head. As I came up the steps, I paused to take them in. They were just being in the moment and he putting on a new application of sunscreen. His hand was sliding across her back, caressing her skin. She leaned to the side and smiled up at him. He leaned in and they kissed. The kisses I had witnessed before were… lusty. This was different. When they parted, Kellie gave him a look, and it… sent chills up my spine.

She got up slowly and took the lotion bottle from his hands and put it down. She took his hand and pulled him up. I knew that look. She was ready to fuck. Then I realized they would be coming right at me. It was too late to get out of the way. And suddenly we were face to face. She looked me in the eye.

"Hey, baby. Are you ready to watch?" she asked me, her eyelids heavy with arousal.


"Yeah," she replied bringing Steve down with her.

I could tell Steve was nervous. He was probably the most confident of the four of us guys, so it was odd to see him that way.

"Listen, this is cool with me, man. Just enjoy yourself. You do not need to hold back because I'm here," I said with an uncharacteristic coolness.

He nodded at me and broke a smile. "She's really… amazing, Brad. It's a gift to be able to be with her."

"She's the gift giver. I'm just the… fuck, I don't know where to take that analogy. Bow applier? I don't know," I replied.

We all had a laugh and that seemed to lighten the mood a bit, but I could tell Kellie was very ready to go.

She looked right at me, "Babe, I'm going to fuck the shit out Steve… again… Are you ready to watch us?"

I looked at her, standing in her tiny bikini with her arm wrapped around Steve's. It wasn't that hard for me to imagine 'what if?' What if she had gotten with Steve instead of me? That she was his girl, that she belonged to him. There was a hurt I felt but a… good hurt. Like an emotional sadist.

"Yeah. Do it."

I watched as they turned and regarded each other as if they were the only people in the world there in that small cabin. They stared into each other’s eyes. Again, I was struck by the intimacy and really how far things had come within the day. Of course, they had been friends for years, they knew each other very well. But obviously, they both harbored some interest in this somewhere deep inside.

“Take your top off, Kellie,” he instructed her.

She did as he said, untying her bikini top and dropping it on the floor.

"I will never tire of seeing your perfect breasts, Kellie," Steve stared at my wife's tits salaciously.

"Tell him what you told me earlier," Kellie told him as she arched her back slightly.


"Tell. Him."

"I've fantasized about Kellie while masturbating for years. I saw her tits once in college and I think about them frequently. Finding that photo of her flashing at Mardi Gras wasn't entirely happenstance. She had commented on having done it once and that she thought someone took a picture. I've been looking to see if I could find it for a long time," Steve said, looking right at me to judge my reaction.

I just grinned. "Dude, it's cool. I masturbate thinking about Kellie too."

We started to chuckle together, but Kellie cut us off, "Hey! Tits out over here. That was supposed to be hot. Your friend has been thinking about me sexually all of the time. He's not supposed to be doing that."

Steve and I both forced ourselves to be serious for Kellie's sake.

"Dammit, Steve. Stop jerking off to Kellie, okay?" I said in the best mock-serious tone.

"Yeah, but… not really right? I mean, we're about to screw in front of you, remember?" Steve said, obviously not getting it.

"Yes. Steve… You are going to do Kellie again. In front of me. Enjoy, brother."

It all caught up to Steve. He's not a dumb guy but he missed the joke at that moment.

Steve didn't hesitate and leaned in to grasp her breasts, one in each hand. It seemed a little puerile at first, but when you consider his longing for them for so long, taking an opportunity to just touch them and feel them made sense. For Kellie's sake, she certainly appeared to be enjoying his touch.

"Do you like seeing your friend touching my tits, Brad?" Kellie asked me, her voice breaking the silence in the room.

We both looked down and my erection gave us both the answer to her question.

Steve mumbled something about having "dreamt of doing that for years".

"If you can't tell, we got right to fucking earlier," Kellie explained.

Steve grinned at the pair of us as if he was slightly embarrassed. "Sorry. We all have our things, don't we?"

I nodded and noticed he still hadn't let up. It was still having affecting. She moaned as his thumbs grazed her now sensitive nipples.

Sensing it was time to move on, Steve moved one hand down toward the waistband of her bikini bottoms. His hand slipped in front of them and Kellie moaned anew as he hit paydirt. The fact that he hadn't removed her bottoms made it seem naughtier as I could see exactly what he was doing.

"His fingers are in my pussy, baby."

Hoarsely, I asked, "Whose pussy, Kellie?"

"Mmmm, his pussy. Steve, you're fingering, oooh, your… pussy…"

"I like the sound of that," cooed Steve. "God, I love the idea of owning this pussy. Even if it's just for a short time. I can't tell you how many times I've noticed this mound in swimsuits, bikinis… even the occasional panty glimpse. I like you both way too much to have actually done anything, but if my thoughts were manifested… well, I'd sure owe you an apology."

Kellie's breathing was quite heavy by this point. Steve had moved his other hand to cup her ass cheek, pulling her tight to his active digits. She grabbed a handle on the wall to steady herself. I'm sure that handle was intended to help someone hang on in rough water, but she was putting it to good use for different reasons.

She pulled his mouth to hers with her other arm and kissed him passionately. I found that kissing had a stronger effect on me than sexual stuff. My arousal went up when he was caressing her tits and dipping into her slit but when I saw their passionate kisses I felt a tug on my heart. I'd think to myself that this was fun exciting and sexy, but what if… what if Kellie felt something more than just sexual gratification with one of my friends. Gary was unlikely to leave Megan for her and as foreign as his much larger cock may feel, it would likely be able to stay about just sex with them. Steve was a player. I'd hardly ever known him to ever want to settle down with any one girl. But maybe Kellie was what he'd been looking for all this time. Chris… surely Chris might be the most dangerous in this regard only because I'd suspected he had more than just a crush on Kellie for some time. The good thing is, I would think of all three, Chris was the one who was probably the least Kellie's type.

Steve's ministrations achieved his desired results as Kellie proceeded to orgasm. They barely were able to keep her upright and I thought for a second I might have to step in until they worked it out. Steve helped her down onto the cabin's bed.

"Fuck me, Steve. I need you in me right now!"

"No. You need to beg me, Kellie."

His demand seemed to shake her out of her orgasmic haze a bit.

"What?" she asked confused as she sat up a bit.

"I've wanted you for so long. It was great to be with you earlier and to finally break the seal. But now it's you who are needy. By your rules, no one else is supposed to touch you today. So you need to beg me to fuck you."

After he spoke I whipped my head around, thinking Kellie was going to lay into him. But that was not to be. I don't think I had ever seen my wife more turned on the entire time we had been together. (A thought that should have shaken me, but it didn't at the moment.)

"Please, Steve, please fuck me," she said in a genuinely pleading voice.

"Are you a little slut, Kellie?" he asked her.

Again, I whipped back to see her reaction and again I was surprised by what I saw. I honestly thought she might cum again just from his words.

"Yes, Steve. I'm your little slut today," she mewed.

"If you had your choice to just be with Brad again or stay my slut, what would you choose?"

She moaned, "Oh god, I wanna be your slut, Steve. Christ, I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than that."

Steve looked at me with an uncharacteristically vicious sneer. "You heard her. Kellie's my slut today, Brad."

With that, he ripped her bikini bottoms off, dropped his swim trunks, and plunged unceremoniously into her enflamed cunt.

"Oh, fuck, YESSSSSSS!" she screamed.

"You're going to want me more than just today, aren't you Kellie?" Steve said to her as he put one hand up on her throat as he pummeled her mound.

I had never thought to choke her, that she might be into something like that. I actuaoncerned that he had gone too far in a direction she wouldn't be cool with. But when I saw her hands on his arm I could tell she was holding him tight to her, not trying to pull him away. I began to wonder if I even knew what my wife liked in bed. Had she adapted just to be happy with what my style was? Is this part of her drive to try having sex with my friends- because I wasn't giving her some things she needed?

His hold wasn't so tight as to completely block her air, as she let out a strong, "YESSS!"

He quickly pulled out of her fully which caused her to groan in dismay. He flipped her over onto her stomach so she was completely facing away from me before pushing back into her pussy. In this position, I could see his dick penetrating her much more clearly. I find it hard to describe the feeling of seeing that point where another man's body is inside of your wife's, giving her pleasure and a little bit of pain.

Steve slapped Kellie's ass with a loud pop that shook me. "Oh, fuck YESSSS!" she cried out.

"You are such a dirty slut, Kellie. Does Brad know what a slut you are?"

"No! Oh god," she replied.

"You've kept it from him, haven't you, how badly you want to be used?" he needled her.

"I just want to be a good wife to him."

"You may want to be a good wife to him, Kellie, but you can't ignore anymore how badly you NEED to be treated like the slut you are."

"Yes, Steve, yes! Show him how slutty I am!"

I had never thought that my wife could or would want to act this way before. I was shocked, confused, and… turned on. I wondered for a moment if this was all just an act… playing into what Steve wanted and playing it up for me.

Suddenly, I realized Steve was looking right at me again. "Hand me that tube, Brad."

I looked down at the counter and saw that Steve had left a tube of Astroglide there. I was puzzled why he would want this as my wife was thoroughly soaked by his manipulations of her body. As I absentmindedly did as he asked, it hit me.

He lifted the cap and drizzled a good-sized glob on her anus. The coolness of it caused Kellie to whip her head around.

"Oh fuck!"

He pulled out of her warm, wet pussy, something I could never in a million years have had the willpower to do, and rubbed the tip of his bulbous dick around the puddle of lube on her ring.

"Tell me you don't want me to fuck your ass, Kellie."

She was looking over her shoulder with a panicky look in her eyes but made no move to stop him.

"Last chance, slut. Or is this something you hoped someone would do to you this week? Does Brad ever fuck your ass?"

He looked at me and I shook my head slightly. It wasn't something I was into enough to suggest to her we do, so we just didn't.

Looking back at her, he asked, "You're not an anal virgin, are you, Kellie?" There was some excitement in his voice at that possibility.

She bit her lip and shook her head.

"Such a slut. I bet you like it, too. I bet you've never told Brad just how much you like it. Beg me to fuck your ass, Kell."

"Please fuck my ass, Steve. Show Brad how much I like it."

I know for a fact my jaw was hanging open because I had to intentionally close it when I saw the smirk on Steve's face as he eased his cock into my wife's sphincter.

"Go slow, please, Jesus. Your cock head is so damn wide."

"I know. It's one reason slut's like you love for me to take their ass."

He finally had eased the full head of his throbbing member into her ass when I heard a moan from Kellie I had never heard her utter ever. My wife loved anal and I had no clue. I was aroused over the revelation but also a bit angst-ridden over it as well. We'd been together for so long, she never asked me to do it to her, which left me confused and a little hurt.

These thoughts were quickly left behind as Steve had worked nearly his whole shaft into her and then began the rhythmic thumping. I saw Kellie's hand reach down to strum her clit but Steve wasn't having it. He grabbed her wrist and then her other one to hold them behind her back. Her face was now pressed sideways into the mattress as he began to increase his thrusts.

"Nope. You get no help from your clit. I'm gonna show him how you get off just from anal penetration, you slut. It might take a little longer, but I'm going to get you there."

There was a part of me that felt weird seeing this dominant, more than slightly sadistic, side of Steve. It was especially surreal because this wasn't me walking in on him and some whore he picked up at a club. He was taking my own wife's ass mercilessly. And what's more, was that she was fucking loving it.

"That's it, Steve, do it! Take my ass, you fucker."

"Brad, buddy, this ass was so made for fucking. How could you pass up on it this long?" he said, not relenting at all.

"Oh, fuck, yessss! My ass is yours forever, Steve. Oh my god, soooo gooood!" she wailed.

And then it hit her. Kellie had a massive climax from Steve's anal assault and her contractions squeezed an orgasm out of my closest friend. He blasted her insides with cum, grunting at the pleasure he was taking from her.

The room was very quickly silent but from their shallow breaths.

Steve carefully pulled out of Kellie and a very unsexy wet fart of semen followed. "Oh, god. I'm so sorry," a mortified Kellie responded. In a private situation between two lovers, something like that is excusable. But with someone else present, someone not responsible for producing the situation to cause such a rude sound, I could see how it would be quite embarrassing.

Steve chuckled and gave her a smart slap on one ass cheek.

"Ow! You asshole!" Kellie said in a tone that said she didn't fully mean it.

"I'm gonna… give you two a moment," Steve said wearing the biggest shit-eating grin ever as he passed by me to head up the steep stairs to the deck.

Kellie was still lying on her stomach, one arm draped across her eyes as if she was hiding from me.

"Kellie… are you ok?"

She peered out from behind her arm, confirming that she was trying to obscure herself from me.

"Yeah… I'm fine… Ugh. Please tell me you're not pissed."

I reacted with genuine surprise to her comment. I mean, I could understand why she might worry that I'd be upset she let herself go in that way with Steve, revealing awkwardly that she loved a sexual act that we had never even contemplated together. But that just wasn't how I was taking it.

"No, no. Of course not, babe."

She moved her arm away further to regard me. "I'm sorry."

I smiled and had a light chuckle. "Why are you apologizing."

"We got so carried away. I was doing things with him-"

"-that you were enjoying. God, we put such pressure on ourselves to be everything to the one we're in a relationship with. It's ok. I mean, I wish I'd known you enjoyed… that."

She rolled her eyes at me not even capable of saying it. "You mean anal? That I'm a secret anal slut."

"Are you though?"

She looked down, "I am."

"Does it feel good to be exposed?" I said, grinning at her as she sat up with Steve's cum still dripping from her ass.

"Yes. But you know…" she started, unable to finish her thought.

"I do. You like it and want it, but it's not something you want from me."

She blushed.

"Can I tell you something that will probably make you feel better?"

She nodded, hope in her eyes.

"Well speaking of buttholes… I like to be rimmed. But I just never have wanted you to do that to me."

Her face brightened significantly. "Really?"

"Yeah. Look, neither of us was a virgin when we met. We had other sexual experiences that were… different. I'm glad we're doing this. I'm glad you're getting to enjoy some things that you just don't see doing with me. I hope coming out of this we can be more open, even if we can't necessarily give each other everything we need."

"That's fair."

"It was hot to see you be a slut for him. You know, you pledged your ass to him forever."

She put her palm to her face and said with a dismayed tone, "Yes, I know. Sorry about that. I'll explain to him that I didn't mean it."

"Didn't you though?" I queried, a grin on my face.

She looked at me. "Really? You really want my ass to 'belong to him'?"

I shrugged. "I guess I'm all right with it if it's what you want."

She groaned out of embarrassment, arousal, and probably some confusion. "I don't know. I've got to think about it. I guess this means we're leaning heavily toward this not being confined to this week alone, then?"

"Yeah," I replied, "safe to say there's no shoving this all back into the box."

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Frenchie » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:20 am

Wow !

Worth the wait !

Hot as hell !

I hope there will be more very soon. ;)

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Johng1953 » Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:21 pm

I love the way this story is developing!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Kim2233 » Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:41 pm

Fantastic chapter. Sets the stage nicely for lots of exciting possibilities.
Looking forward to seeing this story live up its title.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by WACouple » Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:56 am

Yes, definitely looking forward to more of this!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by wmfoget » Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:09 am

DarrenZ. What a great job. I am thoroughly enjoying your fine work. Thank you.


Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by couple20uk » Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:54 pm

I am another here who is very much enjoying this story.
IMO it is the best story you have written so far. Thank you.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Mon Jan 23, 2023 3:20 am

Thanks, folks.
Yeah, this one has progressed more realistically than my others and the partners feel more in it together.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Bomerang43 » Fri Feb 03, 2023 2:39 pm

Thanks for new chapter!!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by 1hottxcpl4fun » Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:17 pm

Please provide us with another chapter! I believe this is your best one to date!... well not exactly, anything goes is another one I have been watching, as well as Wife needs more are great too!
Its been over a month!
Keep up the great work!

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by DarrenZ » Wed Mar 01, 2023 3:25 am

1hottxcpl4fun: Making sure you've seen this thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=65440&start=25#p1381955

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by 4herpleasure444 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:09 am

Just WOW! Great writing and great story. As long as her heart truly belongs to him, I can't see why any husband would not want her to explore every part of herself.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Nylookingtoo » Wed Apr 26, 2023 1:41 pm

Great writing Darren!
Hope to see the next chapters!
I’ve already read a few of your others.

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Sexilexi » Mon May 01, 2023 4:01 pm

This is so fun and unique. I enjoyed reading the first six chapters. Thank you for sharing. Absolutely looking forward to hearing all about the new adventures that Brad and Kellie get into.

Un día a la vez

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by Sexilexi » Mon May 01, 2023 4:05 pm

DarrenZ wrote:
Wed Mar 23, 2022 4:32 am
Chapter 3

Chris was the quiet one. At 5'8" he was not really short, but he was the shortest among us. He was stockier than the rest of us…….
….As I mentioned before, he didn't date much and when he did it didn't seem to last long…….
I can’t wait to see how Chris handles wild slutty Kellie for his 24 hour boyfriend adventure. 😍

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Re: Pandora’s Box by DarrenZ

Unread post by eater » Wed May 03, 2023 8:59 am

i love this story. thanks

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