It's happened!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by corey22901 » Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:42 am

Welcome back!

I am one of many here who live a bit vicariously through your journey. My wife has me caged for over 7 years, and while she releases me about quarterly, denial for me, like you, is a way of life. I know that if I would explain it somewhere other than here, no one would understand - except you and our group.

Sex is for her now and my oral skills are top notch! She reminds me all the time that she has enough orgasms for both of us. She does not cuck me (wish she would) but teases me and loves IR images and the chastity lifestyle.

One part of your journey that was of particular interest was during the time when she had sex and your role was to clean her up orally afterwards, but you had to stop once she was cleaned up.

I know you say you don't have access to Jen with the contract, but is cleaning her still an option for consideration? IMO it is important to have one intimate role with your wife and nothing is more intimate than you acknowledging their status and your approval than you orally cleaning her afterwards - but are denied orally pleasuring her.

When I am released from my steel home, her rule is always the same - I cum quickly inside her(when you are caged you are very sensitive) and then to clean her orally - but I do finish her off after she is squeaky clean. It would be hot for me to have that role with my wife and her bf is she had one. I think I would be happy to give up my quarterly releases for a year in exchange for regularly cleaning her afterwards.

I know there are a lot of people here who are nay sayers - just let that roll off. We are all wired a bit different and coming from a man who is caged and released infrequently, I am a strong supporter of you and Jen and the lifestyle you share. I like many here, learn from your journey and hope that you will share bits and pieces of your interaction between Jen, her men and you. The interaction between cucks, wives and outside men vary widely and the more we know about how others interact (not porn or fantasy) the more we understand ourselves.

This forum and others give us that portal and I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share your journey.

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sun Feb 17, 2019 9:38 am

veub wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:21 pm
Who pays the bills?
I'm the one who pays the rent. But, to his credit, Jason sometimes buys groceries or chips in on little stuff.

I'm still paying the same amount in rent whether Jason lives here or not, so it doesn't really change anything for me financially. I see it as another way of me getting to be a helper. Feeling like I'm helping out makes the situation hotter for me.
60dCommon wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:36 pm
Good to hear from you. FWIW, I think it's great that the three of you have found each other.
Thanks! That's how I feel!
viking53 wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:07 pm
Thanks for your answers to the various questions. I misunderstood the contract. I think it is my European perspective. I always thought "college" was just undergraduate and that postgraduate was University. I therefore assumed that the contract would end next year but I now understand from Bubbagmp's post and your answer that "college" could be interpreted as continued higher education anywhere up to PhD level (or would it also include a possible academic position after that?).

I think that Bubbagmp expressed the concerns very clearly. The longer this situation goes on, the more conditioned Jen will be to see you in a non-sexual way and someone she has less respect for. Do you remember her vision she had of the perfect future just before Brian left in August 2016, the one that got you so upset? It's back on page 17. I think at this stage, you can clearly substitute Jason for Brian in that vision. The fact that she virtually never wears your wedding ring just strengthens that worry. Also, what you wrote in your post above "But, in reality, Jason was just new to being in a relationship with a married woman with a cuckold husband. He didn't even know how he was supposed to act toward me". Brian clearly understood the 3-way relationship and respected you as Jen's husband. Jason has a completely different picture of his role and his relationship to Jen. Unfortunately, I think if you tried to revoke the contract at this point, Jen would choose Jason over you. I think you really need to sit down with her and have a one-on-one discussion about the situation and the future depending on what you want out of it. If you are happy with a long-term sexless FLR relationship then maybe you are where you want to be.
Nah. Here we call all the stuff "college." You're right that if Jen decided to stay in college with no breaks, all the way through getting a PhD, she'd still technically be in "college" that whole time. But, I don't agree with you about the academic position. If Jen gets hired by a college after she "finishes college," that doesn't change that she still would have finished college before going to work for one. Besides, I can tell you for sure that Jen isn't pursuing a field that involves her getting a PhD. And I can also tell you for sure that Jen isn't looking to work for a college after she's done with school. But, here's what could realistically happen. Jen could decide to go right into a master's program after finishing her undergrad. That's definitely a very real possibility. It's also a possibility that Jen might want to prolong my denial even longer, as I'm about to point by quoting her. But, all I signed on for was until Jen finishes college. She agreed to those terms. So, hopefully she'll be willing to live up to her end of the deal when the time comes.

As far as everything else you said, I think you make some really great points. You're right that the longer that this situation goes on, the more conditioned Jen will be to see me in a non-sexual way. Jen predicted this would happen though. See page 28:

"My goal is to completely replace you sexually again with a real man! When it finally happens, which it will, you’ll be helpless to do anything about it! Imagine yourself back to sleeping in the study, in a sexless marriage! Imagine there’s a new man of the house who I belong to sexually. He fulfills all of my sexual needs. It never occurs to me to ever have sex with you any longer. The thought no longer enters my mind, not even for a moment. It’s gross to even think about it! Having sex with you would be like having sex with my own brother! It’s a total no-no! You’d be living like as a eunuch again. Your useless cock and balls retired. Back to being my backup plan, with no hope of every having sex with your wife again until things eventually end naturally between her and her lover. Not knowing when that might be. Weeks, months, years? Having no say in the matter and being expected to help make the relationship last as long as possible. It would be your job to help sustain me and my lover’s couplehood. Your job to try to prolong your own denial and humiliation!"

On the one hand, that was just sex talk. But then, when the sex was over, she said to me:

“I don’t know if the talking shit was too much for you, but I can’t bring myself to care right about now. I know you fucking enjoyed that as much as I did! Even if it hurts your feelings, I need you to accept that those weren’t just words. That’s how I really feel! We both want it! We both want you to be replaced sexually! I never fantasize about making love to you anymore, Michael! I only fantasize about being with other men and about never having sex with you again! I know that at some point in the future we’ll have to go back to a normal sex life. We can’t keep up this craziness forever. We want to start a family at some point and I don’t want our kids to be exposed to anything that might be toxic for them. But, that’s a bridge we’ll have to cross when we get to it. For now, I just want to date around and to actively seek out a guy to take your place full-time in bed! I don’t even want to wait for guys to approach me! I want to actively search! I’m tired of waiting around! I need to go out and get what I want! And you fucking want it to! Did you hear yourself? Take off my wedding ring? Tell guys you’re like a brother to me? That’s literally what you just fucking suggested to me! You even said that I can tell them how useless your penis is to me! Those aren’t the words of a husband who wants to have sex with his wife!”

Of course there were more rationale conversations after that, as well as an explanation of how I could still want to have sex with Jen, while at the same time enjoying being denied. But, none of that changes Jen's basic feelings about having sex with me or the reality that with every day that goes by, the more used to our situation she becomes. That's just a part of being sexually replaced though, which is what I signed on for.

As far as the respect thing, I hope you're wrong about that. Jen, Jason, and I have been getting along great. There doesn't seem to be a lack of respect between us in our daily lives. If you're talking about a different kind of respect, like the kind of special respect that a wife has for her husband, that she wouldn't have for any other man, maybe you're right. I still feel a special kind of respect from Jen for being her husband, but Jason also has a special kind of respect from Jen that I don't have during this period of time that Jen and I are basically on break from being a couple.

You're also right that if I suddenly surprised Jen by trying to revoke the contract for no reason, demanding that Jason leave, and insisting that Jen choose me or him, she'd probably choose Jason. But, I wouldn't blame her for choosing Jason over me in that kind of situation. Why? Because I would have pulled the rug out from under her when everything seemed to be going well, giving her an ultimatum and forcing her to make a choice that she shouldn't have been forced to make in the first place. That would be such an asshole move on my part! If something is bothering me, I should let Jason and Jen know so that the three of us can try to work it out together. But, just like you suggested, I'm exactly where I want to be right now. So there's nothing really for me discuss with them. The stress and angst that I sometimes feel isn't the same thing as me to call it quits. The best example I can think of is getting a dream job that you find out is very stressful. You love the job and want to hang onto it, so you learn to manage the stress that goes along with it.
wingman wrote:
Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:59 pm
I would love to hear about the conversations where you and Jen talked about Jason moving in, about when you became exclusive, about her telling you no sexual contact, etc.
Do you guys talk sex while alone around the house?
Does she try to tease you with seductive looks, gestures, talk, etc?
Does she ever talk about her feelings for Jason?

Thanks for coming back!

Ps: have you all seen Brian?
When I have time, I need to try to recreate those conversations. I realize that without that information, I might look like a victim to some of the readers on here. I especially need to try to recreate a very important conversation that I'd had with Jason early on. Things will probably make more sense with that information.

To answer your questions,

Yes. We definitely talk sex while alone. Jen regularly reminds me about how great sex is with Jason and how she doesn't miss sex with me at all.

Yes. She does tease me with seductive looks, gestures, and talk. I already mentioned the pedicures that I give her while she's wearing nothing but a bathrobe and not really trying to cover herself up. She'll often say things like, "Thank you for helping to make me pretty for my boyfriend" or "You're so much better at this than at being a real man." And then she'll tell me about her great sex life as I paint her nails.

Yes. Jen reminds me regularly that she's in love with Jason and is happy being exclusive with him. For example, she's said stuff like this: "This is the perfect situation. I have a real man who I'm in love with with as my boyfriend! Jason fulfills everything that was missing between you and I. And you fulfill whatever I don't get from Jason. I love our platonic friendship and marriage, Michael! It's as important to me as what Jason and I have. It's just different. I don't want you inside of me. But, I do want you by my side, and by Jason's side. You get to be by the side of a real couple who are totally in love!"

As far as Brian, I haven't seen him since he moved away. We've been talking about a visit though. I might end up flying out to see him if he can't make it out here anytime soon.
corey22901 wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 3:42 am
Welcome back!

I am one of many here who live a bit vicariously through your journey. My wife has me caged for over 7 years, and while she releases me about quarterly, denial for me, like you, is a way of life. I know that if I would explain it somewhere other than here, no one would understand - except you and our group.

Sex is for her now and my oral skills are top notch! She reminds me all the time that she has enough orgasms for both of us. She does not cuck me (wish she would) but teases me and loves IR images and the chastity lifestyle.

One part of your journey that was of particular interest was during the time when she had sex and your role was to clean her up orally afterwards, but you had to stop once she was cleaned up.

I know you say you don't have access to Jen with the contract, but is cleaning her still an option for consideration? IMO it is important to have one intimate role with your wife and nothing is more intimate than you acknowledging their status and your approval than you orally cleaning her afterwards - but are denied orally pleasuring her.

When I am released from my steel home, her rule is always the same - I cum quickly inside her(when you are caged you are very sensitive) and then to clean her orally - but I do finish her off after she is squeaky clean. It would be hot for me to have that role with my wife and her bf is she had one. I think I would be happy to give up my quarterly releases for a year in exchange for regularly cleaning her afterwards.

I know there are a lot of people here who are nay sayers - just let that roll off. We are all wired a bit different and coming from a man who is caged and released infrequently, I am a strong supporter of you and Jen and the lifestyle you share. I like many here, learn from your journey and hope that you will share bits and pieces of your interaction between Jen, her men and you. The interaction between cucks, wives and outside men vary widely and the more we know about how others interact (not porn or fantasy) the more we understand ourselves.

This forum and others give us that portal and I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share your journey.
Thanks, man!

Giving Jen any kind of oral isn't an option under the contract.

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Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:02 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:23 am

hi Michael,

looking forward to those recreated conversations, they will probably fill in a lot of blank spots.

You said that the contract say you are to be treated respectfully, but don't you miss the teasing or and dare i use the word, humiliation you got when Jen was with her former boy friends. Like the wrestling matches. Like sucking cock. Or the time Brian showed you some of his collection of videos He and Jen made, where she begged him to stay permanently and then Brian became dominant with you.

You have said that Jason is not into any of the gay stuff. But Jen knows that this is a very large part of your cuckolding fantasy, since you are being denied and sexual contact with Jen and Jason, have you ever thought about having sex with another man? or having another fling with someone like Cassie? There is nothing in the contract to prevent this. Although I know you love Jen too much to cheat on her. Maybe Jen and Jason could chose someone for you to have sex with. Thus they could still control your sex life.

have you ever been alone with Jason and asked him how you could do make it better for him. Is there something you could do that would make their experience better. even though his experience seems pretty good right now. How about Jen, has she or you suggested to each other something that could enhance their experience. Maybe like a spring break vacation somewhere just the two of them go. You at home waiting.

What about other big holidays, birthdays, anniversary and the upcoming anniversary? how have the celebrations been?

I personally find your story to be one of the best I have ever read on this or any other forum dealing with hot wives or cuckolds. I am glad that you decided to return and allow us to be flies on the wall again. As long as you keep telling your story, I will keep reading.

just saying

$2 Ho
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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by xleglover » Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:53 pm

The contract is really hot. I wish the best for you and your Jen.

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Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2017 7:16 am

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by trdd » Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:41 am

That contract is hot, but insane too.

You mentioned that if you gave Jen an ultimatum that you think she would choose Jason over you. Is that really what you think would happen? Or is that just the cuckold part of you speaking?

The reason I ask is that if she would choose him now given an ultimatum, why wouldn't she choose him a year and a half from now if he gives her an ultimatum?

The whole situation is undeniably hot for anyone who fantasizes about denial and submission. But the way you have written it gives me a little bit of a sick pang in the pit of my stomach. I know, it sounds like you are living your fantasy but how can you be sure you won't lose your wife? I suppose no one is ever sure of a question like that ... even if they are in a vanilla relationship. But this is such an extreme case.

Is Jason really a person who can live as a couple with Jen for such a long time and then just give her up? Is he the type of personality where it can be just about the sex and romance for a year-and-a-half or longer and then turn all of that off? Of course the same question goes for Jen too. And that's even more important, isn't it?

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Bubbagmp » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:51 am

Trdd brings up an interesting point of "is this contract written with prejudice as to what he wants it to be?. Fantasy vs. Reality - I see a lot of OP's here who believe their in control of the game, they never are, it's an illusion (I will call "fantasy").

The OP is never in control of the game, the game will play out as it was intended based on the players involved. The OP is 1 of a minimum of 3 in the game, the OP has control over himself and interaction with the immediate players. The OP has no ability to control the other players. The OP has no control of Jason &/ Jen adding players to the game. Either in any of the two telling an immediate friend (potential contract infringement? ) or Jason sharing Jen.

Technically adding sex partners, not a contract violation, as long as J & J are in mutual agreement, OP doesn't have a say.

I deal with contracts, great at stating what you mutually agree to, not great on conveying what you believed it would/should be. Right or wrong, you're bound by the contract.

Michael, you have to look at what the reality is in the long term. You can't predict how Jason feels about Jen by May 2020 (same goes for Jen). Maybe Jen gets this fantasy out of her system, and burns out on Jason and the game.... only time will tell.

The big question is, does she really see you as a non-viable sex partner in your M?

Would you really be ok, just paying the bills, doing housework, raising someone else's kids, while being married to her? Because 3yrs from now, this could be your future reality. Enjoy the ride.

BTW, I am guilty of setting up/playing out what my fantasy would be, only to have players with different agendas change the outcome, yeah reality can be a bitch.

Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:49 pm

Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:10 am

poppag wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:23 am
hi Michael,

looking forward to those recreated conversations, they will probably fill in a lot of blank spots.

You said that the contract say you are to be treated respectfully, but don't you miss the teasing or and dare i use the word, humiliation you got when Jen was with her former boy friends. Like the wrestling matches. Like sucking cock. Or the time Brian showed you some of his collection of videos He and Jen made, where she begged him to stay permanently and then Brian became dominant with you.

You have said that Jason is not into any of the gay stuff. But Jen knows that this is a very large part of your cuckolding fantasy, since you are being denied and sexual contact with Jen and Jason, have you ever thought about having sex with another man? or having another fling with someone like Cassie? There is nothing in the contract to prevent this. Although I know you love Jen too much to cheat on her. Maybe Jen and Jason could chose someone for you to have sex with. Thus they could still control your sex life.

have you ever been alone with Jason and asked him how you could do make it better for him. Is there something you could do that would make their experience better. even though his experience seems pretty good right now. How about Jen, has she or you suggested to each other something that could enhance their experience. Maybe like a spring break vacation somewhere just the two of them go. You at home waiting.

What about other big holidays, birthdays, anniversary and the upcoming anniversary? how have the celebrations been?

I personally find your story to be one of the best I have ever read on this or any other forum dealing with hot wives or cuckolds. I am glad that you decided to return and allow us to be flies on the wall again. As long as you keep telling your story, I will keep reading.

just saying
Jen still teases me, mostly when she and I are alone. The respect rule doesn't prevent that. The respect rule means that I'm given respect as an equal member in the household even though Jason and Jen are the couple. It also means that I have to respect Jason and Jen's relationship. Just because I'm an equal in the household, that doesn't mean that I get an equal say on stuff that just has to do with their relationship.

I know the contract doesn't say anything about me having sex with someone other than Jen. But, I'm sure you remember that after what happened with Cassie, Jen realized that she doesn't want me having sex with other women. As far as having sex with dudes on the side, that's not something that I've considered. I have no interest in looking for those sorts of loopholes in the contract. Nothing good can come of that. I really don't want to screw up the good cuckold situation that I have going right now.

Jen and Jason seem fine with the status quo. I think all they really need from me is to just leave things as they are. It's funny that you mentioned the vacation thing though. Jason and Jen are going away for spring break at the end of the month. ;)

As far as special days, not much changes. We still celebrate. Even last year's wedding anniversary. We still acknowledged it and celebrated it. Except that Jason got laid and I didn't. I also got to watch from inside the bedroom, which is always a very special treat. Jen also teased me about it the next time that we were alone, which I was grateful for.

Thanks for being so supportive!
xleglover wrote:
Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:53 pm
The contract is really hot. I wish the best for you and your Jen.
trdd wrote:
Thu Feb 21, 2019 4:41 am
That contract is hot, but insane too.

You mentioned that if you gave Jen an ultimatum that you think she would choose Jason over you. Is that really what you think would happen? Or is that just the cuckold part of you speaking?

The reason I ask is that if she would choose him now given an ultimatum, why wouldn't she choose him a year and a half from now if he gives her an ultimatum?

The whole situation is undeniably hot for anyone who fantasizes about denial and submission. But the way you have written it gives me a little bit of a sick pang in the pit of my stomach. I know, it sounds like you are living your fantasy but how can you be sure you won't lose your wife? I suppose no one is ever sure of a question like that ... even if they are in a vanilla relationship. But this is such an extreme case.

Is Jason really a person who can live as a couple with Jen for such a long time and then just give her up? Is he the type of personality where it can be just about the sex and romance for a year-and-a-half or longer and then turn all of that off? Of course the same question goes for Jen too. And that's even more important, isn't it?
Things have been going very well. Jason and Jen have been living up to their end of the contract. I haven't had any complaints. If I suddenly freaked out for no reason and demanded that Jen break up with Jason and that he moves out, I feel like that would be an incredibly shitty thing to do. Jason and Jen are a couple and this is Jason's home too now. If I suddenly gave Jen an ultimatum for no reason, I wouldn't be surprised if she chose to stay with Jason. And I wouldn't blame her for making that choice. I'd like to think it goes both ways though. That Jen would be equally offended if Jason gave her an ultimatum for no reason. It seems unlike Jason though. Things are so much better between him and I this time around, ever since we talked things out. I've recreated that conversation and will share it at the end of this post. I think it'll explain a lot.
Bubbagmp wrote:
Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:51 am
Trdd brings up an interesting point of "is this contract written with prejudice as to what he wants it to be?. Fantasy vs. Reality - I see a lot of OP's here who believe their in control of the game, they never are, it's an illusion (I will call "fantasy").

The OP is never in control of the game, the game will play out as it was intended based on the players involved. The OP is 1 of a minimum of 3 in the game, the OP has control over himself and interaction with the immediate players. The OP has no ability to control the other players. The OP has no control of Jason &/ Jen adding players to the game. Either in any of the two telling an immediate friend (potential contract infringement? ) or Jason sharing Jen.

Technically adding sex partners, not a contract violation, as long as J & J are in mutual agreement, OP doesn't have a say.

I deal with contracts, great at stating what you mutually agree to, not great on conveying what you believed it would/should be. Right or wrong, you're bound by the contract.

Michael, you have to look at what the reality is in the long term. You can't predict how Jason feels about Jen by May 2020 (same goes for Jen). Maybe Jen gets this fantasy out of her system, and burns out on Jason and the game.... only time will tell.

The big question is, does she really see you as a non-viable sex partner in your M?

Would you really be ok, just paying the bills, doing housework, raising someone else's kids, while being married to her? Because 3yrs from now, this could be your future reality. Enjoy the ride.

BTW, I am guilty of setting up/playing out what my fantasy would be, only to have players with different agendas change the outcome, yeah reality can be a bitch.
You make some really good points. You're right. I'm not in control of Jason and Jen. There's always that chance that things might not go according to plan. But, things are going well for now. I'm happy with the situation.

I'm going to backtrack right now and share two conversations that took place before Jason and Jen officially got back together. One is a conversation between Jen and I and one is a conversation between Jason and I. I think these conversations will help to explain a lot.

Jen had pretty much blindsided me with the whole idea of Jason coming back into our lives.

“Jason and I have been bumping into each other on campus,” Jen said matter of factly one day. “It just feels right, Michael. I want to get back together with him. He doesn’t care whether or not we come out to family. He just wants to be with me again.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I replied, not prepared to deal with this.

“I was worried you’d be upset,” said Jen. “But, this was part of our deal, wasn’t it? Part of me living like a single college girl means that I’m completely free to get into a serious relationship with whoever I want. Including Jason. Besides, you wanted me to find a guy to replace you with. Remember?”

“Yeah, and you were so eager to get out of having sex with me that you even considered becoming exclusive with Ben,” I replied. “And now it’s back to Jason, even after everything that happened with him?”

“It wasn't just about getting out of having sex with you,” Jen responded. “I just felt like every time you and I had sex, I was wasting that amazing pass you’d given me. And I didn’t want it to go to waste! What's the point of having the freedom to experience a relationship with another man, if I'm not doing anything with that freedom? I was still bummed out over breaking up with Jason. I wasn’t up for starting from scratch, so I thought maybe I could settle for Ben? But, that was a stupid idea. You and I both knew that I didn't really want to be exclusive with Ben. You told me that I wouldn’t be happy settling for Ben and I knew you were right. Can you say the same thing about Jason though? Can you tell me without lying to me that I wouldn’t be happy being with Jason again? It's Jason that I want to be with. And rather than starting over and trying to find another guy like Jason, I can have the real thing! I can be back together with Jason! So this is where you get to practice being a good friend, Michael. Tell me, as a friend, what’s the right thing for me to do here.”

“Fine,” I said. “As a friend, I think you should at least consider everything else that bothered you about Jason and not just the coming out thing. What about his rules? What about how uncomfortable he seemed being around me? It's like he didn't want me around at all.”

“For the record, Jason never asked me to break up with you or anything even remotely close,” Jen insisted. “It was all just awkwardness. And that awkwardness was because we didn’t tell him just how much you enjoy me fucking other guys. He wondered how you could possibly be okay with being replaced sexually. He wondered how you didn’t hate him? So, yeah, he was awkward being around you. What did you expect? He was in the dark about how much you were in on everything. As for his rules, you should just go ahead and blame me for that. Jason didn’t exactly demand that things had to be a certain way. It was a mutual agreement that he and I came to. After I'd told him that I wanted to be exclusive with him, he and I talked about what that meant. Like did I really want true exclusivity between him and I or would it just be one-sided because I'm married to you? So I told him that I wouldn’t do anything with you that I wouldn’t want him doing with another woman. And, based on that, he and I came up with the rules. He and I came up with them together, Michael. And I ended up getting really into it! It was fucking hot telling you that you weren’t allowed to touch me sexually or to see me naked anymore, telling you that my body belonged to Jason! I was so turned on watching you accept the rules and seeing you be subservient to Jason! I was all about it! The sex between Jason and I was already fucking amazing, but it got even better from then on!”

As I listened to Jen's confession, I was getting an erection under my clothes. I knew at that point it was no use to argue. I was just going to give in anyways.

“Fuck it,” I said. “I have no objections. If you want to be with Jason, be with Jason.”

“For real?” Jen asked. “I didn’t think it would be this easy.”

“After dealing with the possibility of you being exclusive with Ben, of course I prefer you getting back together with Jason,” I responded. “At least Jason is a real man. And we both know you don’t want to have sex with me when you can have Jason instead. We could talk about it all night and we’d just be going around in circles, coming to the exact same conclusion that you and Jason should be a couple again. But, I do need to know that this is just temporary. When you were with Jason last time around, you and I had stopped being a couple, Jen. And no matter how hot it was watching you and Jason be a couple in front of me, it was also the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. If I know for sure that there’s a definite cut-off point, then I feel like I maybe I could just sit back and enjoy being your platonic friend for now and not stress about what the future holds for us. So I need you to promise. Promise me that once you’re done with college, we can go back to having sex.”

“I can do that,” Jen answered with what seemed like total sincerity. “But, now I need a favor from you.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“I need you to talk to Jason one-on-one,” Jen replied. “He wants to be on good terms with you, Michael. He wants to know that you’re really okay with all this before we go forward. Basically, I need you to convince Jason that you're totally fine stepping aside for him. I need you to convince him that it's okay for him to replace you.”

This favor Jen was asking only turned me on more. Not only was I agreeing to be replaced by Jason again, I was agreeing to talk Jason into replacing me! Aside from being hot, I also saw it as an opportunity to maybe get some concessions out of Jason.

“Is there something specific I’m supposed to say?” I asked.

“No, nothing specific,” Jen answered. “I mentioned the cuckold thing to him, but I didn't really explain it a whole lot. I didn't tell him that you and I had planned on me replacing you. I didn't know how we would take it. I want Jason to feel special and not like some prop for your cuckold kink. I'll leave it up to you what you want to tell him. But, maybe go easy on the details? Just tell him enough so that he understands you’re cool with everything, but don’t overwhelm him. Don’t scare him off. Please. Please do this for me, Michael. After college, you and I can go back to having sex. I promise! Do we have a deal?”

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation.

“Good,” said Jen with a smile. “I don't want to put this off. I want you to talk to him tomorrow. This is real easy, Michael. Jason and I already agreed to get back together. All you have to do is put him at ease. Just convince him that you're on his side. As for tonight, you can have one last mercy fuck!”

“Slow down, baby!” Jen said as we had sex. “If things go well, this will be the last time you and I have sex for a very long time! Make the most of it!”

I slowed down.

“That’s better,” Jen continued. “So much better! So, what would you prefer? What do you want your last time to be like? Do you want me to pretend to be into you? Or do you want me to talk shit? Whichever you prefer, baby!”

I thought about it for a moment.

“Let's pretend,” I replied. “No need to talk shit. I'll already know you'll be fantasizing about Jason.”

“You got that right!” Jen said with a giggle. “Okay, here I go pretending to be into you!”

I really enjoyed the sex I had with Jen that night. Lots of touching, grabbing, kissing, passion. For me it was the passion of one last night of sex with my wife. For Jen it was probably the excitement of knowing that I’d be in the friendzone afterwards and she’d be with Jason again.

I held Jen afterward. The two of us lying together naked. I knew I wouldn’t have this again for a long time. So soon after orgasming, that was a very scary thought. At that moment, I was second guessing my agreeing to let Jason back into our lives. But, I knew that all I had to do was hold out a little bit and then I’d be right back to wanting it. So, that’s what I did. I held out until the post-orgasm angst started to go away.

“Tomorrow will be cake, Michael,” Jen said to me as I held her. “Everything is pretty much set. Jason just needs your blessing. Since you’re already on board, so it’s just a formality. No big deal. Please don’t fuck it up.”

I laughed. “You should have more faith in me,” I replied with a chuckle.

“I have faith,” Jen responded. “I’m just saying don’t fuck it up.” Jen giggled.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “Come tomorrow, you and Jason will be official and I’ll be in the friendzone.”

The next evening, Jason and I got together at a nearby cafe and talked. Part of me was worried about being overheard, but I didn’t see anyone I knew. So if someone overheard, then so be it.

“Thanks for meeting me,” Jason said.

“Yeah, of course,” I replied.

Jason was polite. He asked how I’ve been and stuff like that. I did the same. Then came the real reason for our meeting.

“So, Jen and I want to get back together,” said Jason.

“I know,” I said. “That’s why we’re here. Jen said you wanted to talk to me about it first. Get things squared away between us.”

“Yeah man,” Jason responded. “Look, until Jen came along I’d never been with a married woman. I’m not looking to be a homewrecker. But, Jen’s personal ad said her husband was fine with her seeing other guys. So I figured okay, I’ll just go for it. And she and I hit it off. But, then things got serious fast. Suddenly Jen and I were a couple and she stopped having sex with you. It was weird for me being over at your place because I thought there’s no way that you could possibly be okay with being cut off like that. But, you were always nice to me. So, it’s nothing you said or did. But, I don’t want a repeat of not knowing where you and I stand. If I start coming over again, I need to know that you’re not sitting there fucking wishing I was dead. I need to know what your deal is.”

“Jen told you I’m a cuckold, right?” I responded.

“Yeah,” Jason said. “She said you’re into her being with another guy. For real though?”

“Yes, for real,” I said.

“So how does that work?” Jason asked. “You really don’t mind Jen and I being exclusive? Like, you're into it? Or are you just putting up with it because that’s what Jen wants? Like, don’t you get jealous? Don’t you miss getting laid?”

“Yeah, I do get jealous,” I replied bluntly. “And I do miss getting laid.”

“So you are just putting up with it then?” Jason asked, confused.

“No,” I answered. “I get turned on by Jen being with another guy. I really liked it when you and her were together. But, that doesn’t mean that I never got jealous or that I didn’t miss getting laid.”

“So you’d rather you and Jen still have sex with each other and maybe Jen just fucks around on you a little on the side?” Jason asked.

“Jen isn’t into me though,” I replied. “I remember when she and I first started dating and she joked sometimes about how I wasn’t her normal type. Then she started having sex with my best friend before she and I even got married. I knew about it and was fine with it though. We had threesomes and stuff.”

“I don’t know if I could ever do something like that,” said Jason bluntly. “I’m just not into that kind of threesome stuff. It’s not a fantasy of mine. I’m not some gay hater or anything like that. I’m just personally not into trying out anything that involves another dude. But, anyway, go on with what you were saying. You know that Jen isn’t into you, but you’re good with that?”

“It is what it is,” I replied. “All that stuff Jen told you, about her not being into me, about her marrying young and us agreeing that she should be free to do her own thing for now while she’s in college; that’s 100% true. It’s because I’m a cuckold that it works. Even if I’m not getting laid, at least I’m getting off on knowing my wife is having a good time with another man.”

“You don’t need more than that though?” Jason asked, unconvinced.

“I’d like more,” I replied. “I get that you don’t want Jen doing anything with another guy that she wouldn’t want you to do with another woman. And it's totally fair that way. That’s how it should be. And Jen likes it that way. She doesn’t want to mess around with me at all while she’s with you. I can respect that. But, maybe you can at least let me watch the two of you sometimes? I’m not even talking about letting me into the bedroom. Maybe just leave the bedroom door open sometimes. Also, I wish you didn’t feel like you and Jen have to run off to the bedroom to hide from me the moment you start having foreplay. Just do your thing like you would if I wasn't there, then go to the bedroom when you're ready. I like watching more than anything else. Even watching foreplay is at least something. It's hot. It’s not as hot as watching Jen have sex, but it's still crazy hot. And if I’m not getting laid at all, then watching is all I’ve got. I don't mean a creepy kind of watching. Not the kind of watching where you and Jen are putting on a show for me. Just a chill sort of watching, where you and Jen don’t have to go hide all the time. Where the three of us can just hang out together as friends and the two of you can just be a couple around me and do whatever comes natural.”

“I get it now!” Jason said, like he was having an a-ha! moment. “You like to watch! Your thing is watching Jen with another guy! That’s how come you can put up with her not being into you! Because you want to watch her with another dude!”

Such an oversimplification, I thought.

“Yeah, basically,” I replied, hoping Jason’s oversimplification was a good thing. I was actually starting to worry that I was fucking up this meeting even though I’d promised Jen that I wouldn’t.

“So you weren’t mad at me that I was with Jen!” Jason continued with a smile. “You were mad that we didn’t let you watch! You weren’t getting laid, but you would've been cool with that if you at least got to watch. But, we didn’t even let you watch! That’s so crazy! Because, I thought I was being rude if I acted too much like Jen’s boyfriend in front of you! I didn’t want to piss you off!”

I decided to just go with it.

“You and I just didn't understand each other back then, I guess” I responded. “But, you seem to get it now.”

“I can make sure that Jen and I leave the bedroom door open sometimes,” Jason replied with a sincere smile. “Also, I really do want to just be Jen's boyfriend in front of you and not feel like I'm disrespecting you. I guess I was looking at it wrong before.”

“Yeah,” I responded. “Just treat me like a close friend and roommate.”

“I wish!” Jason said with a laugh. “I mean I wish it were that easy. But, I've always got it in my head that you're Jen's husband.”

“Yeah, but she's not into me,” I replied. “She's into you.”

“And you don't mind stepping aside and just being treated like a friend and roommate?” Jason asked.

“I promised Jen that while she's in college, she's basically single,” I replied. “That she can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants, including having a boyfriend. If Jen wants to experience being exclusive with a guy who she's into sexually while she's in college, then that's what she should do. Now's the time to do it. I want her to be able to have the experience that she wants. To get it out of her system.”

“So the two of you are basically taking a break from being a couple. Okay, I get it!” Jason said in that same way like he was having another a-ha! moment.

It was another oversimplification, but again I just went with it.

“You got it!” I said with a smile. “Jen and I are taking a break from being a couple. You and her are the couple. So it's okay to just treat me like a close friend and roommate, because that's all I am right now. Sure Jen and I still have to put on a show for relatives and some friends, but that's because at some point Jen and I are planning on being normal and starting a family and we don't want a reputation following us and our kids around.”

“Okay,” Jason replied. “I gotcha. By the way, Jen said the same thing about being low key around some people. It makes sense, what you and her are saying. I'm fine with that. I just thought that it would be hard being open around some people but not others, so I figured we'd just sort of have to tell family eventually. But, maybe I don't want everyone in my family knowing I'm in this kind of situation. So if you think we can pull off being discreet, I'm down. Let's do it!”

“Yeah,” I said. “I think we can pull it off. And it's mostly just for family. People who don't really come over anyways. Jen and I go to them. So it doesn't really change much for you and Jen. You can still openly be a couple on campus and even off campus. Except every now and then Jen and I will have to pretend to be normal when we see family.”

“It's not a problem,” Jason assured me with a smile. “But, I gotta ask you something.”

“Shoot!” I replied encouragingly.

“What if Jen finishes college, but still doesn't want to have sex with you? What if she doesn't miss sex with you even after going so long without it? It could be that she ends up getting used to not having sex with you. And what if Jen and I are still into being a couple after college? Are you saying you want us to break up the moment Jen graduates?”

“Can you promise me you'll keep this part of our conversation between you and I?” I asked. “I want to know I can trust you with some stuff that's meant to be heard just by you and me.”

“Yeah, man,” Jason replied sincerely. “Say what you need to say. It's between you and me.”

“Jen isn't into me sexually,” I responded. “But, she is into you. Very, very into you. And starting immediately, the two of you are going to be a couple again. Jen’s going to be your girl and not mine, Jason. That’s what she wants. I want her to have that experience. I want it too, for myself. I’m curious to have this kind of intense cuckold experience. I’m not going to have another chance like this later on. I already thought about it and I agree with you about what might happen. I agree that Jen will get used to not having sex with me. And I really doubt she’s going to miss it. She’ll also be used to being your girl. And you’re going to be used to being her guy. The two of you may not want to suddenly break up the moment college is over. That's something that I need to be ready for and accept ahead of time. I don’t expect to have much of a say in it at that point. That decision will be up to the two of you as a couple and not up to me. The only thing I want is for Jen to keep her promise to go back to having a sexual relationship with me. Even if the two of you are still a couple after college, I at least want Jen and I to be able to start working on becoming sexually active again. I need you to be okay with things slowly moving in that direction after college is over. You have your own life plans, Jason. You don't want to be in this situation forever. And Jen and I want to be normal and start a family at some point. So after college, things have to at least start to move in that direction. Even if they move very, very slowly, they still have to be moving. Does that answer your question? Is that reasonable?”

“Yeah, that's cool,” Jason replied. “I really hope you know that I don't want to steal Jen away from you, Mike. I know this is just temporary. I'm good with everything you just said.”

“I'm glad,” I replied with a smile. “Besides, you forgot about another possibility. That I might get so used to watching you and Jen, that I might be the one who's not ready for the two of you to suddenly break up right after college!”

“Shit, man, that's fucking crazy!” Jason laughed. “I better make sure to leave that bedroom door open a lot!”

After that, Jason and Jen were officially back together and they've been together since.


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:53 am

Thanks for sharing these conversations Michael. It filled in a lot of gaps and explains your situation and your own standpoint much better.

I was wondering if they were planning on going away together for Spring Break. What sort of comments does she get from her friends at college? They must know she is married but suddenly see her and Jason as a couple.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by subtoall » Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:05 pm

I love your last post and all the details about your conversations. Now that you've got some time into this, has Jason become more comfortable with subtle domination of you?


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:17 pm

Amazing update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by wingman » Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:09 am

Retelling the conversations was HOT!!!! Thanks!!!
Can you retell one more... the conversation where you two decided to have Jason move in with you.
I would love to read more details on how the dynamic evolved with them being more physical in front of you. And after the contract, the two of them standing in front of you and her reminding you that she prefers Jason, and asking you to quote parts of the contract.

I realize you time is limited, so whatever you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Fantastic update... thanks again!!!!
I've got her back, he's got her front.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by osmankartopu » Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:08 am

I think, Your last update partly hot, partly funny.

In my opinion, you should write between you and Jason conversation more about anything. I wonder contract conversations. Whose idea? How did you decide rules? What did say Jason or Jen during to sign? Etc. If you share these detail, I would be grateful.


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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:05 am

great update, answers a lot of questions. But some remain.

You have mentioned that Jen and Jason are going away for spring break, are they presumably going alone, meaning you are staying home, and are they going with a group from school?

Since this has been going on for almost a year now, has Jen's friend Allison had any contact with you and was there any interaction, I don't mean in a sexual way, but in how she behaved toward you?

"The two of you may not want to suddenly break up the moment college is over. That's something that I need to be ready for and accept ahead of time. I don’t expect to have much of a say in it at that point. That decision will be up to the two of you as a couple and not up to me. The only thing I want is for Jen to keep her promise to go back to having a sexual relationship with me. Even if the two of you are still a couple after college, I at least want Jen and I to be able to start working on becoming sexually active again. I need you to be okay with things slowly moving in that direction after college is over. You have your own life plans, Jason. You don't want to be in this situation forever. And Jen and I want to be normal and start a family at some point. So after college, things have to at least start to move in that direction. Even if they move very, very slowly, they still have to be moving. Does that answer your question? Is that reasonable?”

In the above quote you seem to as much I can tell, give Jason the go ahead to plan his future with Jen well into the future, to the end of her college career and beyond.

I know this question is reaching, but as an anniversary present, Do you think Jen would like to put Jason on the apartment lease and would you agree to that?

have you and Jason become friends or just friendly towards each other. Would you consider going out for a beer with him on your own as a friend or would that be weird?

an inquiring mind wants to know

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:56 pm

viking53 wrote:
Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:53 am
Thanks for sharing these conversations Michael. It filled in a lot of gaps and explains your situation and your own standpoint much better.

I was wondering if they were planning on going away together for Spring Break. What sort of comments does she get from her friends at college? They must know she is married but suddenly see her and Jason as a couple.
Yeah. They'll be going away without me for spring break.

All their college friends know that Jason and Jen are a couple. Luckily, that information hasn't gotten back to our families. Or if it any rumors have reached them, we don't know about it. No one from our families has mentioned anything.

I don't think that Jen gets many comments from her college friends. She's told them that she and I are "taking a break" while she's in college and they seem to have just accepted it pretty easily. What else are they going to do? They can either accept it or stop being friends with her. But, it doesn't really seem like the sort of thing to end a friendship over.
subtoall wrote:
Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:05 pm
I love your last post and all the details about your conversations. Now that you've got some time into this, has Jason become more comfortable with subtle domination of you?
Jason acts like Jen's boyfriend in front of me, which is what he is. He seems very comfortable in his role. I don't know if that really counts as "subtle domination." But, I'm not really looking for anything more from Jason. I have no complaints with how he behaves toward me.
OOAA wrote:
Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:17 pm
Amazing update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!
Thank you! :D
wingman wrote:
Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:09 am
Retelling the conversations was HOT!!!! Thanks!!!
Can you retell one more... the conversation where you two decided to have Jason move in with you.
I would love to read more details on how the dynamic evolved with them being more physical in front of you. And after the contract, the two of them standing in front of you and her reminding you that she prefers Jason, and asking you to quote parts of the contract.

I realize you time is limited, so whatever you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Fantastic update... thanks again!!!!
No problem! Recreating the conversation about Jason moving in was pretty easy to do. I'll share it at the end of this post.

As far as being quizzed on the contract, Jen mostly quizzes me when we're alone together. She will sometimes do it in front of Jason though since she and I only have so much alone time when Jason's not around. I'll post some examples another time.
poppag wrote:
Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:05 am
great update, answers a lot of questions. But some remain.

You have mentioned that Jen and Jason are going away for spring break, are they presumably going alone, meaning you are staying home, and are they going with a group from school?

Since this has been going on for almost a year now, has Jen's friend Allison had any contact with you and was there any interaction, I don't mean in a sexual way, but in how she behaved toward you?

"The two of you may not want to suddenly break up the moment college is over. That's something that I need to be ready for and accept ahead of time. I don’t expect to have much of a say in it at that point. That decision will be up to the two of you as a couple and not up to me. The only thing I want is for Jen to keep her promise to go back to having a sexual relationship with me. Even if the two of you are still a couple after college, I at least want Jen and I to be able to start working on becoming sexually active again. I need you to be okay with things slowly moving in that direction after college is over. You have your own life plans, Jason. You don't want to be in this situation forever. And Jen and I want to be normal and start a family at some point. So after college, things have to at least start to move in that direction. Even if they move very, very slowly, they still have to be moving. Does that answer your question? Is that reasonable?”

In the above quote you seem to as much I can tell, give Jason the go ahead to plan his future with Jen well into the future, to the end of her college career and beyond.

I know this question is reaching, but as an anniversary present, Do you think Jen would like to put Jason on the apartment lease and would you agree to that?

have you and Jason become friends or just friendly towards each other. Would you consider going out for a beer with him on your own as a friend or would that be weird?

an inquiring mind wants to know
Jason and Jen are going on spring break with a group of friends.

As far as Allison, she's actually very pleasant toward me. She treats Jason as Jen's boyfriend and seems to really like him.

I get what you're saying about my conversation with Jason, but I disagree. I think I made it clear to Jason that I expect to have a sexual relationship with Jen again after she's done with college and that I expect Jason to eventually move on. I just don't expect it to happen abruptly. I don't expect on the day that Jen graduates that she immediately has to break up with Jason and start having vanilla sex with me. I think that would be a foolish expectation on my part and would be unfair to everyone involved.

I don't think putting Jason's name on the lease is a good idea. Our landlord knows Jason lives here, but doesn't know anything else. It's best not to rock the boat. We have a good relationship with the landlord. He's easygoing and doesn't jack up the rent on us. Even though both Jen and I are on the lease, I know that our landlord sees me as being responsible for the rent. It would look weird if I suddenly wanted to add our student roommate to the lease, as though I was trying to pass off some of my responsibility to a student without a decent job.

I consider Jason a friend. He and I do sometimes do stuff together (gym, basketball, coffee, food, etc) without Jen. It doesn't feel weird.

Anyhow, as promised, here's the conversation that led to Jason moving in and our roommate agreement.

The spring 2018 semester was going to be coming to an end soon. Things were going well between, Jen, Jason, and I, even though I was still getting used to not being able to make out with or touch my wife sexually.

“Things have been going great between the three of us, haven’t they?” Jen said in a way that was more like a definite statement than an actual question.

“Yeah,” I replied with a smile. “It’s definitely been much better this time around.”

“Just better?” Jen asked in a teasing way. “Because, I think they’ve been great! You can’t tell me that you feel like Jason is uncomfortable around you, not with all the times you’ve watched us fuck!”

“No, Jason’s been great!” I replied. “The whole situation has been great. I do miss being able to make out and mess around with you though. I miss being naked together when we’re alone. Stuff like that. Don’t get me wrong. It’s definitely going great. I totally agree with you on that.”

“I do and I don’t miss doing that kind of stuff with you,” Jen replied. “Mostly the kissing I miss. But, we still kiss. I think the compromise we came up with has been working. Quick cheek kisses when Jason is around and mouth kisses when he isn’t. The rest of that stuff you mentioned would really be more for your benefit than for mine. I enjoyed all that stuff back when we used to do it. But, not doing it is enjoyable too. Like I said before, it makes me feel more like Jason’s girl and makes the sex between him and I even better. It also makes it easier for me to think of you as more of a platonic friend or big brother. That's what we wanted, right? For you to be completely replaced sexually by Jason and for me to not even think of you as someone who I’d even consider having sex with for the entire time that Jason and I are together? And then there’s that part of me that loves seeing you be subservient to Jason. Even though I’m getting more and more used us being platonic friends, I never actually forget that you’re my husband, Michael. It’s still a major turn on watching you step aside for Jason!”

“Yeah,” I said. “I get all that. It's a turn on for me too. And I feel like the three of us get along great. But, now that it's happened, it's so weird to actually be replaced this much. And it's not just sexual. It's romantic. You're with Jason, not with me. The two of you are the couple. And the two of you really do treat me like a roommate and best friend. Which I know is what we were going for. You and I talk bluntly about how great a boyfriend Jason is, how much you love being with him, how great the sex is between the two of you. When Jason is over, the two of you act like a couple. You cuddle, you make out, you feel on each other, you tell each other I love you. And I get to be around that. Which is amazing, by the way! As for you and I, we just sort of take for granted now when we talk that we're platonic friends. That's how we interact with each other all the time. It doesn't even occur to me that we might have sex when we're alone or that you'd even consider having sex with me. I really do feel written off sexually. But, it's scary sometimes to think and to wonder if that's all I'm capable of being for you? Just a friend?”

“You're obviously not just a regular friend, Michael,” Jen replied. “Jason and I are so comfortable making out and feeling on each other in front of you that we don't even think twice about it. And even though you never see me completely naked when you and I are alone, you see me naked plenty when Jason is home. You also see Jason naked. You see the two of us fuck. You go out of your way to serve us. You do our laundry. You wash the dishes. You've served us breakfast in bed a few times. You buy me sexy underwear that both you and Jason get to see me in. That's not a normal friendship, Michael. You're not just a friend. You're my cuckold husband. Yeah, Jason and I are the couple. That's a good thing. We're all getting what we want out of this.”

“I know,” I replied.

“Do you though?” Jen asked skeptically.

“I really do,” I insisted. “This has been such a hot experience for me, Jen. I hope you know how much I appreciate this cuckold experience that you and Jason have given me. Every day is such a rush! Even though I'm not getting laid, I feel like my sex life is more intense than it's ever been. I'm always on edge. In a good way, in an exciting way. I just worry what if this is it as far as what I can offer you? Can I one day give you what Jason gives you?”

“Geez, Michael!” Jen said. “If you're talking about amazing sex, we both know the answer to that question is a definite no!”

Jen and I looked at each other and laughed.

“See, this is another example of how good you and I are for each other!” Jen continued. “Don't stress so much, Michael. I don't know what I'd do without you around and I don't care to find out. You and I are going to have a normal marriage one day, a house with a picket fence, kids, grandkids, two cars. All that stuff. Enjoy this cuckold experience, Michael. You'll miss it when we're vanilla and boring.”

“I love you,” I said to Jen with a relaxed smile.

“I love you too,” Jen replied. “So is now a good time to talk about Jason moving in?”

Jen and I looked at each other and laughed again.

“Yeah, why not?” I replied, smiling. “He practically lives here anyway. May as well make it official. Can we have a roommate agreement though?”

“A roommate agreement?” Jen asked. “Do we need one?”

“I think it would be a good idea,” I responded. “There's this thing called a cuckold contract that I've read a out that I think we could incorporate into the agreement.”

“Doesn't exactly sound like a legally binding document,” Jen said with a giggle.

“It's not meant to be,” I said. “It's more like a basic document that shows that everyone is on the same page. It's mostly meant to be hot. But, I think it is a good way to keep there from being confusion.”

“Would it say in writing that Jason and I are a couple?” Jen said with a wicked smile.

“It could,” I replied back with a smile.

“It better!” Jen said with a laugh.

“So, we can have a written agreement then?” I confirmed.

“Yeah, why not!” replied Jen. “Write up a draft. I can go over it with Jason and see what he says. I'm sure he'll go for it. We'll let you know if we want to add or change anything before we sign the final agreement.”

Jason went for it, obviously! Jason even framed a copy and hung it on the bedroom wall. I know that no one except for the three of us go inside the bedroom, but it's still strangely thrilling that it's hung up on display like that!

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:59 am

Another great update, it seems like a very happy arrangement for all involved.

If i happened to read this correctly, Jason moved into the apartment right around your wedding anniversary.

Just a thought that popped into my head. Have you brought up to Jen that you are excited about your 1 year of no sex with your wife? Do you think she has given any thought to the signifigence that you have placed on it. A big milestone in your cuckold marriage?

It made me think of this conversation you had with Brian just before he left.

I don't know. I really like fucking Jen, bro. I do feel bad that you don't get to fuck her.
But you're really into this whole cuckold thing, so maybe it's not such a bad thing that you don't get to fuck your wife and I do? Know what I'm saying? One the one hand, maybe I'd be doing you a favor by leaving. But, maybe I'd also be doing you a favor by staying. So which favor is better? Maybe the second favor is the better one. I'd still get to sleep with and fuck Jen every night, which is something that I'm really into. Jen would still get to fuck me instead of you, which is something that she's really into. And you'd get to stay a cuckold for a while longer, which is something that you're really into. But, it's a moot point though, bro. I am leaving at the end of August. It's set in stone. So there's no question of whether I'm leaving or staying or whatever. But, yeah, I guess if I were planning on staying in town, I might have let Jen talk me into continuing to stay here with the both of you. For how long though? Another few months? A year? Two years? Five years? How long is enough? I feel like Jen would be fine just keeping this going indefinitely. It's gotta come to end though at some point though.

As always, great story, incredible cuckold life, makes me envious


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:17 pm

Amazing update, I agree!!!!!

I am really happy to read again from you, Michael! ;)

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by subtoall » Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:07 pm

poppag wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:59 am

It made me think of this conversation you had with Brian just before he left.

...I might have let Jen talk me into continuing to stay here with the both of you. For how long though? Another few months? A year? Two years? Five years? How long is enough? I feel like Jen would be fine just keeping this going indefinitely. It's gotta come to end though at some point though.
"It's gotta come to an end"? Really? Why? Who says so? :whip:

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:10 pm

poppag wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:59 am
Another great update, it seems like a very happy arrangement for all involved.

If i happened to read this correctly, Jason moved into the apartment right around your wedding anniversary.

Just a thought that popped into my head. Have you brought up to Jen that you are excited about your 1 year of no sex with your wife? Do you think she has given any thought to the signifigence that you have placed on it. A big milestone in your cuckold marriage?

It made me think of this conversation you had with Brian just before he left.

I don't know. I really like fucking Jen, bro. I do feel bad that you don't get to fuck her.
But you're really into this whole cuckold thing, so maybe it's not such a bad thing that you don't get to fuck your wife and I do? Know what I'm saying? One the one hand, maybe I'd be doing you a favor by leaving. But, maybe I'd also be doing you a favor by staying. So which favor is better? Maybe the second favor is the better one. I'd still get to sleep with and fuck Jen every night, which is something that I'm really into. Jen would still get to fuck me instead of you, which is something that she's really into. And you'd get to stay a cuckold for a while longer, which is something that you're really into. But, it's a moot point though, bro. I am leaving at the end of August. It's set in stone. So there's no question of whether I'm leaving or staying or whatever. But, yeah, I guess if I were planning on staying in town, I might have let Jen talk me into continuing to stay here with the both of you. For how long though? Another few months? A year? Two years? Five years? How long is enough? I feel like Jen would be fine just keeping this going indefinitely. It's gotta come to end though at some point though.

As always, great story, incredible cuckold life, makes me envious
Our wedding anniversary is in April. Jason officially moved in in June, though he was already practically living here before then.

Don't worry. Jen knows how excited I am! Lol! I'll be posting about that in the near future I'm sure. :D

Glad you're enjoying reading about my cuckold life!
OOAA wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:17 pm
Amazing update, I agree!!!!!

I am really happy to read again from you, Michael! ;)
Thank you!
subtoall wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:07 pm
poppag wrote:
Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:59 am

It made me think of this conversation you had with Brian just before he left.

...I might have let Jen talk me into continuing to stay here with the both of you. For how long though? Another few months? A year? Two years? Five years? How long is enough? I feel like Jen would be fine just keeping this going indefinitely. It's gotta come to end though at some point though.
"It's gotta come to an end"? Really? Why? Who says so? :whip:
Ha! I say so! ;)
wingman wrote:
Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:09 am
I would love to read more details on how the dynamic evolved with them being more physical in front of you. And after the contract, the two of them standing in front of you and her reminding you that she prefers Jason, and asking you to quote parts of the contract.
Jen mostly quizzes me when we're alone together.

She usually starts out by saying “quiz time!” Then she pulls out a copy of our contract and asks me some questions.

Here's an example of one of her quizzes:

Jen: “Quiz time!”

Me: “Okay. I'm ready!”

Jen: “My romantic interest in you is blank?”

Me: “Platonic.”

Jen: “Good! Bonus question. What does platonic mean?”

Me: “Close, but not sexual.”

Jen: “Good! Let's discuss. Name one reason why it's better that my interest in you is platonic.”

Me: “Because I'm a cuckold and it's hot knowing that you don't want to fuck me.”

Jen: “Hmmmmm. What if I was asexual and didn't want to fuck anyone? Would it still be hot?”

Me: “No.”

Jen: “Why not?”

Me: “Because you being sexual is what makes it hot. You want to have sex, but not with me.”

Jen: “What if I was a lesbian and only wanted to fuck other women. Would it still be hot?”

Me: “No.”

Jen: “Why not?

Me: “Because you being both sexual and straight is what makes it hot. You want to have sex with a man. But, not with me.”

Jen: “True true. Why wouldn't I want to have sex with you though. You’re a man, aren't you?”

Me: “Yes. But, I'm not a real man. You want to have sex with a real man and I'm not a real man.”

Jen: “Also true. But, what if for some crazy reason you and I suddenly had sex. Would that be hot?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jen: “Why?”

Me: “Because you're beautiful and fun and have a great personality and you're my wife. I know from experience that having sex with you is hot.”

Jen: “But, if my interest in you is platonic and not sexual, and I only want to have sex with real men, then how is me having sex with you hot?”

Me: “I guess maybe it isn't hot?”

Jen: “It's not a trick question. Just a discussion. Let's continue the quiz. Michael shall not behave in a manner that implies that he and Jen are blank?”

Me: “A couple.”

Jen: “He shall always act in accordance with his status as a blank? And shall always treat Jason and Jen as blank?”

Me: “Platonic friend and roommate. Shall always treat Jason and Jen as the couple.”

Jen: “Back to our discussion. If I had sex with you, it would be enjoyable for you. You might even personally find it hot in that moment. But, would it actually be hot if I cheated on my boyfriend - a real man who I love having sex with - with our roommate who isn't a real man and who I'm not sexually attracted to?”

Me: “No.”

Jen: “This next question is very important. Would you go through with letting me cheat on Jason with you?”

Me: “No. Absolutely not.”

Jen: “Why?”

Me: “That’s a total violation of the contract. And now I also understand that it’s not hot. You’d literally be having sex with a guy who you’re not even into when you already have a boyfriend who you are into. What kind of friend would I be if let that happen?”

Jen: “So, as things stand, me having sex with Jason is the only possible scenario that exists and also the only possible scenario that qualifies as hot?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jen: “Good! Synopsis please.”

Me: “Your romantic interest in me is strictly platonic. Your romantic interest in Jason is sexual. Under those circumstances, you having sex with Jason is hot, but you having sex with me couldn't possibly be hot. Any option other than having sex with Jason isn't really an option at all.”

Jen: “Wow! Well said! So you agree with me that me having sex with you would be completely wrong?”

Me: “Yes. Jason is your boyfriend and also a real man. I'm your roommate and friend, and not a real man. You and Jason are an exclusive couple. Having sex with your roommate, who you're not sexually attracted to, would definitely be wrong.”

Jen: “Excellent! Okay, baby. Quiz time is over! You did great, as usual! We can go back to talking normal. I feel like a fucking professor sometimes when we do this, but it's fun!”

Even though Jen mostly quizzes me when we're alone, sometimes she does also quiz me in front of Jason. Here's an example of one of the few times she's quizzed me in front of Jason.

Jen (to Jason): “I haven't had a chance to quiz Michael on the roommate agreement for a while. Mind if we do that now?”

Jason: “I don't mind.”

Jen sits down on Jason's lap and he wraps his arms around her.

Jen (to me): “Michael is not permitted to engage in any blank with Jen under any circumstances?”

Me: “Sexual contact.”

Jen: “This includes what?”

Me: “Intercourse, oral sex, or any kind of sexual touching.”

Jen: “Good!”

Jen takes Jason's hand and puts it on her breast.

Jen: “Michael is not permitted to touch Jen's blank?”

Me: “Breasts, ass, or pelvic area, even through clothing.”

Jen: “Still doing good! Jen has no interest in touching Michael blank?”

Me: “Sexually.”

Jen reaches her hand into Jason’s pants and starts to rub his cock.

Jen: “Michael agrees to avoid any situation that would result in his blank?”

Me: “Penis coming into contact with any part of Jen's body, even through clothing.”

Jen: “Good! Examples include blank?”

Me: “Rubbing against Jen, full body hugs, lap sitting, etc.”

Jen: “Excellent! Let’s discuss! I’m sitting on Jason’s lap right now and we’re touching each other in front of you. You seem to be enjoying it. Am I right?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jen: “Why do you enjoy it?”

Me: “Because I like watching the two of you be a couple around me. I like watching the two of you be sexual with each other. Just doing whatever comes natural.”

Jen: “And it’s fine with you that you and I don’t do stuff like this?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jen: “It feels natural for me to do stuff like this with Jason and not with you. I’ve really gotten used to it. And it doesn’t feel weird having you watch us. I feel very, very comfortable doing stuff with Jason in front of you, Michael. What about you, Jason?”

Jason: “If I really start to think about it, then it’s a little weird I guess. But, I usually don’t really think too much about it. I’m used to just treating Mike like a good friend and roommate by now. A pervy one who likes to watch!”

We all laughed.

Jen: “So, Michael. Does it feel natural for you to not be able to touch me anymore? Do you miss it or are you totally used to it by now?”

Me: “I do miss it, but I am also used to it. It never occurs to me to try to touch you in a sexual way or to ask you to sit on my lap or anything like that. So I guess that means it’s pretty natural.”

Jason: “Okay. I have a question for Mike. If I’m putting you on the spot, Mike, and you’re too shy to answer in front of Jen, you don’t have to. But, I'm curious, which do you prefer?”

Me: “Prefer?”

Jason: “Yeah. You’ve had Jen on your lap before, right? And the two of you used to touch each other and have sex back in the day. Now that Jen and I have been together for a while, which do you think is better? Getting to watch me with Jen or being with Jen yourself? Which do you like more?”

Jen: “Answer honestly, Michael. I won’t be offended no matter what you answer. And it doesn’t change anything either way. I’m still with Jason and not you and Jason knows that you’d never try to violate our agreement no matter what your answer is.”

Jason: “Yeah, man. Your answer is your answer. I’m just curious.”

Me: “I like this better, getting to watch you and Jen.”

Jason: “More than you like being with her yourself?”

Me: “Yes.”

Jason: “Sweet! Works for me! Keep thinking like that, man!”

Jen: “Yes, Michael. Please do! Okay, quiz over! You did great, Michael!”

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by subtoall » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:16 pm

This is so hot. I think instead of "I like this better, getting to watch you and Jen" it would have been cool to say something like "I like to see Jen experiencing the greatest pleasure, so obviously, I like this better, getting to watch you and Jen."


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by OOAA » Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:14 am

What hot talks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by poppag » Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:19 am

Super Hot I love the way Jen gets you to admit that Jen and Jason are the couple and that you support them. It sounds like Jason got the reassurance Jen wanted you to give give to him.

Admitting that you like them having sex and romantic relationship more than having a sexual relationship with Jen yourself.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by excitedcuckold » Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:53 pm

So, Jason and Jen's one year anniversary passed. It's also the one year anniversary of Jen and I no longer having sex.

As a present, I got the two of them a romantic weekend getaway package at an out-of-town hotel. I stayed home while they went away together as a couple.

Jen sent me this message last night:

“Thank you for the romantic weekend getaway, Michael. It’s such a nice present! It’s beautiful here! Jason and I are having a great time celebrating our anniversary! Thank you for the gift and thank you for being so supportive of Jason and I. I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed being with Jason this past year and how much I’ve enjoyed only having sex with him. Giving myself to a real man 24/7 has been so much fun! And so has my marriage to you! I’ve had such a great time with you this past year, being platonic friends. I really hope you have too. I mean, I know you have. You’ve said so. You’ve said how you prefer watching me with Jason more than having sex with me. Knowing that takes away any guilt I might have felt. It also makes me even more excited to keep this going and to be able to send you another message like this one year from now. It’s been so easy for me to give up having sex with you and replacing you with Jason. I never once have missed having sex with you since we stopped, and at this point I can’t even imagine us having sex. Isn’t that great??? I wanted to replace you sexually and you wanted to experience being replaced. And now we’re both getting exactly what we wanted. Things are perfect between us right now. More than they’ve ever been. I hope your weekend is going well and hope you’ve thinking nonstop about Jason and I being all over each other in public and about his big dick inside of me in the privacy of the hotel room you paid for! Love you so much! See you Sunday night!”

It was such a hot message! Except that when I got it, I was out with a group of friends. I didn't tell any of them that Jen was away, just that she was busy and couldn't come out. Some of the friends that were out last night were couples. I was noticing little things. An arm draped around a shoulder or wrapped around a waist. A romantic kiss exchanged. A hand giving a pat or a squeeze on the butt. Things that I no longer got to do with my wife. And I thought about how much I missed that. I started to feel sad, but I put that feeling away and focused instead on enjoying a night out with my friends. It worked. I had a great time!

When I got home, I re-read Jen's message. And then I masturbated. The orgasm was great. About as good an orgasm as one could have solo. And then I reflected on my earlier feeling of sadness. I realized that I wanted to go back to being a couple with Jen. The year was over. I got to experience being replaced. I was glad to have experienced it, but I was ready to move on. It was such a weird thought. I decided to sleep on it.

I still feel the same way today. I want someone to wrap my arm around, to exchange romantic kisses with, to get naked with. Except that there's not much I can do about that outside of finding someone besides Jen to do those things with. And that's not really a good option for me. Of course, telling Jen how I feel is an even worse option, because that could give her the impression that I'm miserable and that I want her and Jason to stop being exclusive before college is over. I'm not miserable though. I can definitely keep going as-is for now. I think that part of the reason I wanted a cuckold contract in the first place was for this exact reason. I knew that at some point I'd have second thoughts and I didn't want those thoughts to get in the way. I wanted the contract to be able to run its course uninterrupted, so that Jen and I could have this experience without unnecessary drama getting in the way. So the best thing to do is to keep my mouth shut and keep enjoying the experience, knowing that there's a built in expiration.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by lietva » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:38 pm

I've loved reading your story and want to thank you for sharing it with us.

You need to do what works for you.

If you've achieved your goal of fully experiencing being fully replaced, no one would blame you - not Jen, not Jason, and certainly none of us here - if you decide you want to end the contract early. Just renegotiate it to start Jason's transition out now.

Jen, and especially Jason may be sad about winding it down. But, they've had their fling - twice. Don't forget you're the one calling the shots here: Jen and Jason's experiment with being exclusive and cuckolding you was for your benefit and with your permission. Contract notwithstanding, you can withdraw that permission at any time. Tell them that though it's been great, it was super hot, you don't regret the experience, and you appreciate the unique gift that they have given you. And, that while the full 2 years seemed like a good idea at the time, it's just too long.

Make sure your life heads on the trajectory than brings you the greatest joy. You need do to be careful that it's not you that that becomes disillusioned and detached in your marriage. That would break Jen's heart through no fault of her own. Stay in touch with the evolution of your own heart, your own feelings. Reclaim your position as primary in Jen's life if that's what you want. She can begin to relearn how to put you first in her sexual life just as soon as you tell her that's what you really want. You and Jen can prepare to begin your next new adventure together.
Last edited by lietva on Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: It's happened!

Unread post by Serrand » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:28 pm

Well, I also follow your story for quite a while now. Basically, I absolutely agree with what the previous commentator "lietva" said. Don’t get me wrong, it's exciting and hot to read, I'm grateful that you're sharing your adventure with us. But I also have to say, and I assume you're aware of this yourself, what you're doing it's quite at the extreme end of the "cuckold-fantasy/lifestyle", especially over such a long period. I hope you don't get mad at me, when I have huge doubts, about what you and Jen are practising for over a year now, if this is really a good thing for your marriage in the longterm.
Honestly, I think the sooner you and Jen going back to be a loving, romantic and sexual couple it's for the better. Look, this doesn't mean Jen and Jason need to break-up immediately, let there be a "transition-phase", like you already hinted there would be such a phase after college anyways. So why should it be a problem if this phase would start earlier? You and Jen definitely should start working to reignite her intimate and romantic feelings for you. This alone will probably take some time and will be tough for you. And the longer you wait with this it will probably only get tougher.

One problem, in my opinion, you're giving this so called "cuckold-contract" way too much value. So what, if you would end this contract early? Excuse me, but this damn "contract" should under no circumstances be more important than your happiness. And no, this certainly wouldn’t mean that you're unfair to Jen. I know, you probably don't see it this way, but be assured, and I think the overwhelming majority of your followers will agree with me, you have already giving Jen so much more than she could ever expected. And I think deep down Jen knows this as well.
I know, I know you said you feel sad but not misarable, but alone the fact that you felt sad, when you watch these other couples in the bar, should be reason enough, at least, to rethink this all.

But the biggest problem is in my opinion, that you think you shouldn't talk with Jen about your sadness. Seriously, cuckold-marriage" or not, you always get angry when someone doubts Jen's love for you. So, I'll take your word and say Jen loves you!!! Not to forget I assume she still wants to have your biological childern one day. Considering this, shouldn't you not always be able to tell the person you love and who loves you how you feel and what making you sad. And shouldn't be for Jen in this case your happiness far more important than any co called contract?

That you really believe to tell Jen how you feel or felt would be an worse option, makes me really feel concerned for you. Obviously, you're quite a selfless person, that's necessarily not a bad thing, quite on the contrary, but sometimes you could be too selfless for your own well-being. I could be wrong, but I have the impression that you have reached that point.

Excuse my emotional outburst. I don't want to offend you in any way. I hope to hear from soon soon again and maybe hearing your thoughts on some of this points


Re: It's happened!

Unread post by viking53 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:50 pm

I strongly agree with both Lietva and Serrand. A marriage is so much more than just sex. It's about an intimate, loving and supportive relationship. If you are unhappy with the way things are now, you really have to discuss it with Jen otherwise these feelings will just continue to grow and destroy your marriage. In your previous post, you described how Jen regularly tests you on the cuckold contract. Unfortunately, I feel that these occasions just further condition Jen to not see you as her husband and not as someone to have a loving, intimate relationship with. For both your and Jen's sake, I think the two of you need to sit down, without Jason, and have a serious talk about how Jen can start showing affection to you again.

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