I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

For hotwives and the men who adore them.

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:30 am

willingtoo wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:19 am
Anthony told her on the plane that he didn't tell her about the three guys that arer part of the Foot Network he is part of. He didn't want to scare us off so in essence he was lieing. He didn't know if they would have girls with them and the possibility of giving Carrie the option of being shared was there. He said he would never force her but would have let one or two of them have her if she was willing. Sexy to think about now but it still pisses me off but not Carrie. I asked her if she would have done it and she said probably. Two of the guys were her type. They were obviously into feet. She said the girls they were with were cute and had sexy feet. The guys gave her their cards so the possibility is still there but a long shot at least for now.

I look at her and think what man would give such a pretty, sexy little wife to other men? But the thrill is beyond explanation. Erotic agony. Massive turn on with fear at the same time. She gave me awesome detail as we had sex. She gave me great sex and the detail as I fucked her was beyond erotic. She always gives me her best when she returns from these other men.
Mike, I think it's up to the observer whether this is a lie or being strategic / cautious about when to divulge. Just my $0.02

I think there is every kind of person in the world. While there are a lot of differing and strongly held views about how to do this, I don't think there's any lack of sympathy for your choices, turn-ons etc.

I think the question of who decides what she will do and how much of a veto power you get (or want) are more complicated things. Ultimately I think most here agree ultimately the choices are hers and that it's best if she's always factoring in your feelings so that the difficulty of a veto is never an actual issue.

I'm not unconcerned to see you quite conflicted and at the same time I can see you're pretty consistent about how you address it, how much you engage or disengage.

Keep up the good work, glad to hear she's home for you soon!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:44 am

Thank you Sadie. You always make us feel better and we know you are being honest. You offer such a valuable perspective and always make us feel like we are on the right track. Thank you so much! Mike

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:46 am

solstice wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:19 am
I'd be disingenuous if I said I was into feet,I like the whole woman, with preferences for medium to small breasts,I also like bums, but one of the thing that turned me on most was reading Carries account when you were driving her new car with the top down, one of you spotted a motorcyclist and decided to follow, Carrie took off panties and shoes and put her feet up on the dash, and she masturbated, later chatted him up, he missed out because he was a weekend rider, and not rough enough for her. I have read this several times and was wonderful wank material,and t to me was one of the most stimulating of Carrie's adventures. I hope I didn't get too many facts wrong!
Yes that was sexy even though she decided not to pursue the opportunity. I thought it was sexy as well. The facts are pretty much accurate. Also thanks for being honest about her feet. One hour to go! Mike


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:14 pm

p.s. I am a foot woman. My own feet aren't especially pretty (they are very sensitive) however my legs are frankly dead sexy ;-).

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:17 pm

sadie wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:14 pm
p.s. I am a foot woman. My own feet aren't especially pretty (they are very sensitive) however my legs are frankly dead sexy ;-).
Love to see your legs I love legs too! Maybe your feet aren't as bad as you think. Let me be the judge! Mike

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by subtoall » Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:50 pm

Hi Mike,
I love that you're contributing so much here today. I have a few thoughts about your long post earlier today.

I thought I read from Carrie a few months ago that Anthony had indicated that there was some overlap between the investment group and his foot-loving friends and that that's who he said he would want to share her with, if you guys ever agreed to it. Are you saying that Anthony withheld that information from you when you and he talked about limits for this trip?

I really like that your involvement in your triangle includes you being the one that communicates with Anthony about limits and expectations for your encounters with him. It's a great way to maintain involvement and to satisfy yourself that Anthony knows his role, and you are firmly making clear that without your permission for him to enjoy your wife, nothing would be happening. In a way, it actually allows you to dominate the supposed Dom in the relationship. That being said, as someone above wrote, it is in the nature of many if not most D/s scenes that the Dominant's part in the game often includes gently pushing the limits of the submissive, for the sub's "growth" and everyone's enjoyment. That's almost an expected part of the D/s game. However, if you don't like this, you have every right to make it known, that you expect the limits you set to be firm and are not to be pushed. My gut tells me that Anthony would respond positively to this as an experienced Dom, and that he wells understands that he risks losing everything he wants out of this arrangement if he doesn't keep you happy with his behavior.

I think the individual in this triangle you most need to convince to stick to the limits is Carrie. No offense (seriously), but it appears she's sent mixed signals to Anthony more than once, and as a sub myself, I well understand that behavior (e.g. wanting the beast to emerge, and suddenly thinking the limits set previously aren't as important as they were before). This is fairly common in inexperienced players in BDSM. If she's going to maintain your "authority" as the guardian of her safety (and your safety as a couple), she must always stick to the limits you agreed with Anthony, even if she thinks in the moment that you guys were unnecessarily restrictive back when you set the rules, which is what I imagine is happening.

Even if she is right in assessing something as not as dangerous as once feared (i.e. asking to go to the torture room the first time, rethinking the agreement not to share in Palm Springs) when she changes the rules like this, she is communicating to Anthony that the rules you set with him don't matter. I find this disloyal to you, and disrespectful to both you and Anthony, and I'm sure she doesn't want that. It puts Anthony in the no win situation of having to decide between what you limited him in doing (and therefore risking his relationship with you guys as a couple) and pleasing his sub who in the heat of the moment suddenly wants to push the rules (and do what Anthony ultimately wants too). That's a pretty narrow tightrope to walk. I'm in no way wanting to sound harsh or critical of Carrie; this is all new ground. I get it, and I have been there. The point is, she must not change the rules midstream in an encounter. Even when a rule seems unnecessary. Use this principle as a guidepost. If her feelings change, and it seems like what was off the menu before now seems like we should do it, save it for the next encounter, but don't do it this time. Yeah, you're sacrificing the rush of the moment and perhaps not maximizing your enjoyment of the current encounter. But, if you abide by the rules, there will be a next encounter. It takes some discipline to do this, but it's worth it in the long run.

You guys have such good communication and trust in each other that you can continue to grow in this new lifestyle for the sexy satisfaction of you both (and for the third, whether Anthony or some other man). Seriously, I think the biggest risk to you both is someone's respect or trust getting hurt due to confusion and mixed signals.

I hope this post wasn't too wordy or too much of a downer. You guys are a great couple, and I love having the privilege of being a voyeur in your life.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:46 pm

subtoall wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:50 pm
Even if she is right in assessing something as not as dangerous as once feared (i.e. asking to go to the torture room the first time, rethinking the agreement not to share in Palm Springs) when she changes the rules like this, she is communicating to Anthony that the rules you set with him don't matter. I find this disloyal to you, and disrespectful to both you and Anthony, and I'm sure she doesn't want that.
I agree with this completely!! Ultimately, what Carrie does is Carrie's decision. She can do what she wants regardless of what Mike has said to Anthony, but she does this at peril of her marriage. Mike is not a sub, in my mind, and even though his veto may not be total, his commitment to agree to this lifestyle with Carrie is. I am NOT saying Carrie doesn't care about her marriage, I think EVERYONE has read her total devotion to Mike. But I also agree they need to respect the limits they both agree on and to keep that honest communication open.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by 4v273 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:05 pm

rascalnvixen wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:46 pm
subtoall wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:50 pm
Even if she is right in assessing something as not as dangerous as once feared (i.e. asking to go to the torture room the first time, rethinking the agreement not to share in Palm Springs) when she changes the rules like this, she is communicating to Anthony that the rules you set with him don't matter. I find this disloyal to you, and disrespectful to both you and Anthony, and I'm sure she doesn't want that.
I agree with this completely!! Ultimately, what Carrie does is Carrie's decision. She can do what she wants regardless of what Mike has said to Anthony, but she does this at peril of her marriage. Mike is not a sub, in my mind, and even though his veto may not be total, his commitment to agree to this lifestyle with Carrie is. I am NOT saying Carrie doesn't care about her marriage, I think EVERYONE has read her total devotion to Mike. But I also agree they need to respect the limits they both agree on and to keep that honest communication open.

This X 1000.

Yes, Carrie Is responcible for her own decision. Yet if Anthony is willing to break his word to the husband she is devoted to......why should she believe any of what he promises to her?

Anthony's word is either backed with integrity to both.....or it has none.

Great posts subtoall and rascalvixen.
Last edited by 4v273 on Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The ethical pervert

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by 4v273 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:34 pm

I also want to be clear that I am not intending to offend anyone, or be judgmental. Mike and Carrie seem to put a lot of thought into their decisions....and those decisions are theirs to make.

Perhaps the bigger benefit of opposing viewpoints is to give pause to readers considering the LS. My lifelong interest is D/S has shown me the rewards can be great..... and the danger....greater.

Consider carefully.
The ethical pervert

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:06 pm

Mike and Carrie checking in. Can't be doing it every minute ! We're having a GREAT night together!

What an awesome post from subtoall. We can't or rather won't comment tonight, but the conversation is welcomed and we look forward to reading. Not Arguments, just points of view expressed would be Awesome!!!!

Mike and Carrie

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by willingtoo » Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:11 pm

subtoall wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:50 pm
Hi Mike,
I love that you're contributing so much here today. I have a few thoughts about your long post earlier today.

I thought I read from Carrie a few months ago that Anthony had indicated that there was some overlap between the investment group and his foot-loving friends and that that's who he said he would want to share her with, if you guys ever agreed to it. Are you saying that Anthony withheld that information from you when you and he talked about limits for this trip?

I really like that your involvement in your triangle includes you being the one that communicates with Anthony about limits and expectations for your encounters with him. It's a great way to maintain involvement and to satisfy yourself that Anthony knows his role, and you are firmly making clear that without your permission for him to enjoy your wife, nothing would be happening. In a way, it actually allows you to dominate the supposed Dom in the relationship. That being said, as someone above wrote, it is in the nature of many if not most D/s scenes that the Dominant's part in the game often includes gently pushing the limits of the submissive, for the sub's "growth" and everyone's enjoyment. That's almost an expected part of the D/s game. However, if you don't like this, you have every right to make it known, that you expect the limits you set to be firm and are not to be pushed. My gut tells me that Anthony would respond positively to this as an experienced Dom, and that he wells understands that he risks losing everything he wants out of this arrangement if he doesn't keep you happy with his behavior.

I think the individual in this triangle you most need to convince to stick to the limits is Carrie. No offense (seriously), but it appears she's sent mixed signals to Anthony more than once, and as a sub myself, I well understand that behavior (e.g. wanting the beast to emerge, and suddenly thinking the limits set previously aren't as important as they were before). This is fairly common in inexperienced players in BDSM. If she's going to maintain your "authority" as the guardian of her safety (and your safety as a couple), she must always stick to the limits you agreed with Anthony, even if she thinks in the moment that you guys were unnecessarily restrictive back when you set the rules, which is what I imagine is happening.

Even if she is right in assessing something as not as dangerous as once feared (i.e. asking to go to the torture room the first time, rethinking the agreement not to share in Palm Springs) when she changes the rules like this, she is communicating to Anthony that the rules you set with him don't matter. I find this disloyal to you, and disrespectful to both you and Anthony, and I'm sure she doesn't want that. It puts Anthony in the no win situation of having to decide between what you limited him in doing (and therefore risking his relationship with you guys as a couple) and pleasing his sub who in the heat of the moment suddenly wants to push the rules (and do what Anthony ultimately wants too). That's a pretty narrow tightrope to walk. I'm in no way wanting to sound harsh or critical of Carrie; this is all new ground. I get it, and I have been there. The point is, she must not change the rules midstream in an encounter. Even when a rule seems unnecessary. Use this principle as a guidepost. If her feelings change, and it seems like what was off the menu before now seems like we should do it, save it for the next encounter, but don't do it this time. Yeah, you're sacrificing the rush of the moment and perhaps not maximizing your enjoyment of the current encounter. But, if you abide by the rules, there will be a next encounter. It takes some discipline to do this, but it's worth it in the long run.

You guys have such good communication and trust in each other that you can continue to grow in this new lifestyle for the sexy satisfaction of you both (and for the third, whether Anthony or some other man). Seriously, I think the biggest risk to you both is someone's respect or trust getting hurt due to confusion and mixed signals.

I hope this post wasn't too wordy or too much of a downer. You guys are a great couple, and I love having the privilege of being a voyeur in your life.
Thank you for this post. So insightful and so much to think about! We've only read it once so far but this is a Special Night it turns out! Thanks so much! Many thoughts will be coming from us for sure!



Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:03 pm

I hope it is a special night!! I can feel the LUST that has been building in Mike ALL DAY!!! I'm sure he's laying pipe like a plumber!!! :) And I'm sure Carrie is giving her loving husband the BEST she has to give!!! I love that they still have lust for each other! I would be surprised if Mike isn't giving some good foot love to his lovely wife's pretty feet!! Sucking toes, liking under the toes and liking from the bottom of her feet up to the underside of the toes with a little lingering in the arch area and kissing all of her precious feet while she points and rubs his head with her free foot!!! Whew!!! I can't think on that any more right now!! I hope we will all learn what is so special for them tonight!!!

I didn't get a chance to tell them (Mike) but Vixen and I had a great time the other night. I decided to give her some foot love. I really liked sucking and licking her toes while I was looking at her other foot. She would use her other foot to tease my cock and then she would put it on my chest and massage my chest a while. That lasted until I couldn't wait anymore had to have her. So, Mike, I'm not as much a connoisseur of feet as you may be but you've got me doing things with Vixen's feet that we have not done in a long long time!! She likes it and says to tell you, Thank You!!! :)


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by bearss » Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:07 pm

Mike and Carrie,

There have been some very interesting and insightful comments and observations in this thread which are spot on I believe, and which many psychologists would do well to study. Mike and Carrie, you have been heroic in your communications of these events and of your emotions. You two are essentially "Innernauts," explorers of humanity's emotional structure, and as anyone who thinks will tell you, to paraphrase a fairly well known work, "The Kingdom is Within." While the objects of your your experimentation are "without," the effects, the drama, the learning, the growth, the emotion, is "within." As Innernauts, your journey of exploration is not without danger as no journey into the unknown is, however I'm gratified that both of you are being very careful in your explorations. Rest assured, Mike and Carrie, that there are many subscribers who would love to be where you are, and to experience what you are experiencing - the danger, the joy, the excitement, the "erotic terror" (MIke, are you sure you're not the reincarnation of Francis Bacon?), but they (including myself) simply can't do so to the extent you two have or as successfully as you two have for one reason or another.

First, the sanctity of your relationship, and second, your explorations.

All of our best to you!


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by hotwifelover31 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 4:37 am

Mike & Carrie, not sure I can add anything meaningful to the thoughtful insights you’ve received from subtotal, solstice, rascal, bearss and others. What I do know from having been on your amazing journey since the first date with Frank and the myriad of twists, turns, potholes and road debris you’ve both successfully maneuvered around is you will make a decision that, in bearss’ parlance, sanctifies your marriage and your devotion to each other. Even when you are with Anthony and totally focused on being his perfect submissive pleaser and engaging sweet little lady (and girl), no one is as close to your heart as Mike. Not one decision you’ve made, in my opinion, has ever compromised your love, adoration and devotion to Mike and your marriage. BTW Mike, I happen to also be obsessed with Carrie, head to toes (and, thanks to you, now also obsessed with Natasha B & Remy)!!

Love knowing you are having a glorious reclamation and reconnection weekend.

Totally off subject, yet still a source of celebration, we are finally rid of Tanenhill!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Observer1931 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:04 am

"There is no date with Anthony this weekend. He wanted one but I said no. Carrie was willing as usual because she didn't want to disappoint him."

I think it was a the correct move to tell Anthony no. This week end should be yours with Carrie. He had last week end plus so I think it is important that you set limits. She should not want to disappoint you either. Have a GREAT weekend.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:33 am

Observer1931 wrote:
Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:04 am
"There is no date with Anthony this weekend. He wanted one but I said no. Carrie was willing as usual because she didn't want to disappoint him."

I think it was a the correct move to tell Anthony no. This week end should be yours with Carrie. He had last week end plus so I think it is important that you set limits. She should not want to disappoint you either. Have a GREAT weekend.
:up: :up: :up:

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by shall54 » Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:50 am

Mike, I'm concerned that Carrie is having trouble telling Anthony no...I'm happy she agreed to no date this weekend, but it looks like Anthony's influence over Carrie seems to be increasing. I hope Carrie understands that this is about you both and that Anthony should not even attempt to get Carrie to agree to anything without your input...stay strong!!

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by NewOldCuck » Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:16 pm


Long time lurker here. You're journey so far has been amazing. Thank you so much for letting us tag along.

First, Carrie's comment on Anthony's changing feelings.

"Your suspicions are right. He is starting to have feelings for me beyond the sex."

While it is worth taking note of, could this be a case of NRE (New Relationship Energy) on his part? I know they have seen and experienced quite a lot but, being in a new, far away venue, with friends (Anthony's) and over a longer time than normal. I can see how it is easy to get carried away with your emotions. Kudos to Carrie for keeping it cool and not getting carried away also. Now that they are back to reality (home), see how things go with this new revelation.

Secondly, congratulations Mike on admitting your feelings about how tough (emotionally) things were for you. All that does is make you a loving caring husband who loves his wife greatly. I'm sure it added to the emotion of reconnecting with her when she returned. It also should serve as a sign to Carrie how much you care and to what lengths you'll go to see her happy.

Have a great weekend,

New Old Cuck

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:51 am

Hello Carrie & Mike,

Love her feet-007 the spy that foot fucked me

Just watched the above video, and you certainly know how to pick them Mike, the beginning is so similar to Carrie's open top car episode, you could have written the script!
You don't have to be a foot aficionado to be entranced by the foot action in it. the girl I suspect had larger but not so firm breasts as Carrie, but she was very enthusiastic.
Hope you had both had loving week end and if it's not too private could share the details.

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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by solstice » Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:28 am

For good measure I watched Love her feet- BBC likes feet.

Again an excellent shot video, had no idea the various of moves that can be accomplished using feet, Carrie, if I'm correct did not start out as a foot fetishist, but she has come a long way in her love of pleasing with them, although probably stopping short of typing her journal with them. :D
I think you have opened my eyes to the many ways of discovering the many pleasures in the possibilities of embracing new practices


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:58 pm

Deleted for now and sent to Carrie via pm. I haven't changed my mind, have other fish to fry right now and don't have the bandwidth to discuss it right now.
Last edited by sadie on Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by sadie » Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:59 pm

Carrie and Mike,

Long time no hear, how are you two lovebirds?

<3 <3


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Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by 4v273 » Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:05 pm

willingtoo wrote:
Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:06 pm
Mike and Carrie checking in. Can't be doing it every minute ! We're having a GREAT night together!

What an awesome post from subtoall. We can't or rather won't comment tonight, but the conversation is welcomed and we look forward to reading. Not Arguments, just points of view expressed would be Awesome!!!!

Mike and Carrie
In the sprit of the underlined part of the post from Mike and Carrie.....my point of view.

Were the situation that I was the dom and gave my word to Mike and/or Carrie about boundaries......then my ethics dictate I follow those agreed boundaries.

Mike would not need to be in the room.
No excuse of 'in the heat of the moment'.
No excuse of any 'no topping from the bottom'.

Mike talks to me [Carries husband, acting as Carries representative] and we come to terms.....my word is my bond. If changes need/desired to be made.....that can wait until next time.

What would be the point of Mike talking to me if he has no say?

As Carrie trusts Mike to look out for her interests, discuss limits with me, I would feel I must respect and honor that. To both of them.

No offence to anyone intended. Just my point of view. Others may have a different one. That's up to them, not my place to judge. I take any responsibility I have seriously. I refuse to accept less from myself.

Perhaps that is where most of my pleasure comes....from controlling myself when someone else depends on it.
The ethical pervert


Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by rascalnvixen » Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:22 pm

Respectfully, I think you missed the point in your comment. This journey they are on is all about the original couple. They both want what has been happening to one degree or another but they both have an agreement. It is about Carrie and how and what she wants, but it is also about Mike's pride in the beauty of his wife that he chooses to share with other men in a way that Carrie has agreed. THAT is where the power is and it is shared between Carrie and Mike.

They are in agreement that she can go and fuck other guys who she chooses. You are correct that Mike cannot dictate what happens between Carrie and Anthony, or any other person, that is up to Carrie, BUT Mike DOES has co-authority over the dynamic in the couple. Carrie has said time and again that her rock is MIKE!! Her love and respect for him is unquestioned. Just because she chooses to share her body for the thrill of having another man inside her does not change the dynamics in the couple. She is doing most of what she wants. She tells Mike what she likes and wants and they discuss. Sometimes Mike will let her desires lead that discussion and sometimes he is stronger with his desires and neither has difficulty expressing their thoughts to the other.

I guess what I'm saying is that your comment, it seems to me, dismisses Mike's role in what happens with Anthony. Yes, the ultimate decision is Carrie's but she knows that she also needs to live with Mike and their agreements and by virtue of being in that couple, he has sway as well, as her husband. Again, I am not speaking for either of Carrie or Mike, this is all just my humble opinion. I don't want to start a huge debate on this topic, I just wanted to express my thoughts on your comment. If you desire to debate this I would love to continue through PMs. Lastly, I do appreciate your concern for Carrie as do I and I think that is and should remain the main theme for this thread. We should be here to read and share their experiences and offer supportive discussion. I consider this to be part of that discussion to this point, beyond these comments would be debate. Best regards, Sadie!!

Suchen Zucker

Re: I need to write and hopefully get people to respond. Long Sorry.

Unread post by Suchen Zucker » Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:38 pm

Going, to be honest here.

Anthony is smart and successful and I would expect him to approach life as a competition. He will say and do whatever it takes to win. I believe he will undermine your marriage if allowed. I would not underestimate this guy based on what has been written.

I'm not saying you should break things off with him, but I am questioning if you two are equipped to handle a relationship with someone like Anthony.

Carrie seems too easily swayed by her passions and emotions instead of rational thought. Smooth con men prey on the emotional.

Mike tries to stand on firm legs in a difficult position, but Carrie's easy-going, need to please personality undermines his attempts to protect and provide some level of security for their marriage. He seems confused and goes back and forth.

As it stands, Carrie is taking control. I hope she knows what she is doing.

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